Being your own kind of beautiful consists of being who we are from the inside first, and then translating that onto the outside of our bodies secondly. God created us in his image and we all have individuality and that is beautiful.
Read MoreTo anyone struggling with their confidence,
“Look in the mirror everyday and point out 5 things you love about yourself. Do that every day. You are beautiful!”
Read MoreI believe being your own kind of beautiful is expressing yourself in whatever kind of way you desire. To me, being happy with yourself and being kind to others and our world is a way of showing our beauty. Beauty shows a lot through each and every individuals personality also.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means being a beautiful person inside. Looks mean nothing if you’re ugly in the inside. It means not comparing yourself to others.
Read MoreMy fashion style is very versatile, I love neutrals and sticking to the basics but will also branch out. I love finding new trends that I can change and make it last longer. I love fashion and all the different styles you can do with it.
Read MoreWhen I started out I was not nearly as confident as I am today. I learned to have courage to move past my fears and insecurities. My advice to someone starting out would be to take the steps to move toward what you desire and be ok with navigating the unknown.
Read MoreSomething that makes me beautiful is my personality. Remember that looks aren’t everything, a good personality can be a strong factor in your life.
Read MoreMy fashion style is a general mix of all of my favorite musicians and artists. I would say I take a lot of fashion inspiration from David Bowie, Stevie Nicks and Debbie Harry.
Read MoreYour own type of beautiful is how you carry yourself. It’s the respect and love you hold for others and yourself.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means accepting who you are and your flaws. You have to be confident and love who you are. If God made us all the same that would be so boring. You have to accept who you are and appreciate every little thing about you. That’s very important.
Read MoreAs cliché as it might sound, my family truly inspires me. I have personally witnessed through them that anything in this life is possible, family is really my greatest motivation, they inspire me to be my best self.
Read MoreI believe that being your own beautiful is becoming confident in yourself and never letting anyone take that away from you!
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful to me comes with how you present and carry yourself. Honestly, confidence is something that matters so much in everyday life.
Read MoreI do have certain features that I appreciate about myself, my freckles might be my favorite thing about me, looks wise! Aside from looks thought, I am a very loyal person to the people I love, but also to myself with my morals. I love being the one person someone can trust and I think that’s a very beautiful thing about myself, making sure no one ever feels alone.
Read MoreMy biggest dream, is to live on my own terms while doing something I love. That being, using my creativity and passion for the art of beauty. My name does mean beautiful after all.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means doing what makes you the most confident in yourself. Wear what you want to wear, do your hair the way you like it, don’t just follow trends to try to look like someone else.
Read MoreEveryone is beautiful in their own way. Just because one person or group of people can’t see it doesn’t mean someone else just right around the corner won’t take one look at you and think your the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen.
Read MoreMy greatest inspiration is my past self. Understanding where I came from and achieving great things in my current lifestyle is what strives me to pursue even greater goals beyond me because I know it’s what my future self would want.
Read MoreMy biggest dream is to become a model of course, but I want to tell myself someday that, "Hey look at you before and look at you now, you've been a hard worker and achieved all your dreams by not letting yourself down and have kept going". This will make me think that I have achieved my dream/s.
Read MoreMy best advice to someone who is new in modeling is to set your standards and goals high… and then picture yourself in that position. Then make it happen.
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