Every single human on this earth is different from one another. Being unique is special, and just embrace who you are because there is only one of you.
Read MoreKnow who you are and what you stand for. Be confident.
Read MoreMy style is quite diverse. I range anywhere from street style to sporty to romantic. I love to dress up to go out with friends or to a nice dinner, but day to day I am a huge fan of New York street style. Some statement joggers, dunk’s/Jordan 1’s, and a cute crop top or baggy shirt. Just depends on the day.
Read MoreDon’t let anyone’s opinions change who you are. There is no one else like you in the whole wide world. That makes you one-of-a-kind and rare. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, genders, and colors. Just because you don’t look like someone else doesn’t make you any less beautiful.
Read MoreIn life LOVE keeps me going. I love that positive feeling and energy through love. To share love throughout the world daily is something I strive for. Whether that be slight compliments or helping a grandmom cross the street or opening the door for anybody. I will show people that it’s good to be kind and be vulnerable at times. I want to make peoples days brighter with my big heart full of love!
Read MoreYou’re one of a kind! No one can do you better than yourself, so always show what you’re made of.
Read MoreMy sense of fashion is unlimited, there's no rules. Sometimes Im dressed as if paparazzi is waiting at my door, other times my attire can range from CEO, presidential, to urban streetwear. I adapt easily so I always stay ready.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful is really to just feel comfortable with yourself. To know the parts you love and don’t and be able to accept that because beauty is always from within first. Once you love yourself you can do anything.
Read MoreTo a peer who may be struggling with confidence, just know that sometimes self-love is a journey and you need to be patient with yourself. If you want to work on your self image, practicing positive affirmations is a great start. Stimulating my brain physically and mentally helps me feel better. I try to exercise whenever possible and eat clean.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means whatever you see in yourself that’s beautiful, whether that’s inside or out, embrace it, be it, and love it. Including your flaws.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful is living life the way that you know you should live it, without any worry of who will be around when you do. Simply put, being your own kind of beautiful is being yourself daily! It is never losing sight of your inner beauty even when the external changes.
Read MoreStep out of your comfort zone, it will be scary but it’s a great way to grow and you will love the results.
Read MoreTo me , being your own kind of beautiful is just being comfortable and accepting of what you are born with.
Read MoreTo be my own kind of beautiful means being confident while also spreading that self-love positivity to others around me.
Read MoreBeing my own kind of beautiful is accepting all of my flaws by loving myself. Loving yourself brings out the beauty and self confidence within you, so therefore what others say won't even phase you. I have accepted who I am and am loving myself from the inside to outside.
Read MoreTo just be yourself, and accept yourself for who you are! There’s only one of you and no one can change that!!
Read MoreI’m a firm believer that beauty comes from within.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means being your deep genuine self and loving who you are and sharing that with others spreading joy wherever you go.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful to me means to love your true self inside and out. Don't let others tear you down, be confident and powerful.
Read MoreWe have to reflect on who we are individually and once that is figured out, we are all beautiful in our own way. Not one person is the same!
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