Katera B.
Katera B.
Florida, USA.
Age: 22
Waist: 34”
Hips: 32”
Bust: 35”
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 155 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)?
I’m a 22 year old South Florida girl born and raised. I typically travel between Fort Lauderdale and Miami a lot for model work.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
So i started modeling in 2018 after a birthday shoot i did. Since then, I’ve been learning and stepping out of my comfort zone and just growing into the model i am now. I’ve worked with some amazing people/brands and i know this is just the beginning!
What is your biggest dream?
Oh man, i have so many i can’t choose just one! My model dream is that i hope to one day see myself on a popular brand inside a well known store, see myself on a billboard modeling for a brand, seeing myself on one of New York’s amazing screens where everyone can see. I would have to say out of all of that, my biggest dream apart from modeling would have to be helping people get closer to God any way i can. People who may feel like good days are over, who may feel stuck, who may not know the next step or what to do at all, who may have done so much bad and feel there’s no chance for them. I want everyone to just know how Powerful God is and that he’s a forgiving God, a loving God and he’ll NEVER leave or forsake us. He’s always near.. and i want to help anyone who may need advice or even just simply want to talk you know? Anyway i can help.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Being you. Finding yourself. Loving yourself. Finding your spark. Finding your happiness. Not wanting to be anyone else but you. Not wanting to get a hairstyle or outfit because you saw it on someone else and want to look how they did, not wanting someone else’s life, not wanting to look like someone else because you just want to do things your way. You want to be your own kind of beautiful. Have your own voice. This is something I preach.
How would you describe your fashion style?
While I love designer things, I really love lounge sets and comfortable clothing .. nothing tight. I love sneakers and I’m simple yet girly and love jewelry.
Who or what inspires you?
Model Winnie Harlow. She’s my go to inspiration and also my fav. She make challenges look so easy and is always pouring love no matter what. She’s so headstrong and incredibly beautiful inside and out. She’s very wise and i love how she show love back to her supporters.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Never lose sight of who you are. Treat every job like it’s your first job and give it all you got. First impressions are everything, leave an amazing mark. In this industry you will work with amazing people but you’ll also come across some individuals who are rude and not passionate. Still, no matter what you always do your best. Don’t allow what anyone say about you to get to you. Know who you are. Never lose yourself. Allow your modeling to speak for itself and kill it! I believe in you!
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Whew.. i was insecure. I would look at other people and wanted to look just like them. I wasn’t happy with my reflection in the mirror. When i started modeling, that all changed for me, it’s like a heavy weight lifted off of me. I found myself, i broke my shell, i learned new things about myself. When modeling, i tap into a whole new world where no one exists but me. I tune everything out and i just create. I get to be me, i get to tell a story with no words. Modeling was a door i didn’t know needed to be opened. I never thought I’d ever be a model , now look at me.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
My mindset.. my way of thinking, my love for God, my heart, my kindness.. the way i treat others.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Do more of what makes you happy. Hang around people who feels like home. Try to change negatives into positives and have positive self talks. Step out of your comfort zone, it will be scary but it’s a great way to grow and you will love the results.