Posts in Northeast
Rachael G.

Confidence is to be worked at and to not believe the stereotypes of beauty. Beauty comes from the inside and you are beautiful the way you are. keep telling yourself everyday that you are beautiful.

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Meriam A.

You can be one of the most beautiful girls out there or guy but if your heart is ugly and not so good then so is the person. It shows whats in the inside then everything shows from the outside.

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NortheastKristi TreleganOhio
Lauren K.

To be your own kind of beautiful... to me that can translate into several things. For one, never lose sight of who you truly are. That is the most important thing to remember. Many people can get caught up in their daily lives and forget to be themselves. Being your own kind of beautiful is not being afraid to be your best version of yourself.

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Emma K.

My ultimate life ambition is to help people and have a positive impact on their lives. I want to be a shining light in a dark and despairing world and to inspire people to be kind, forgiving, and compassionate to those around them. I hope to bring joy to those around me every day and inspire them to live their lives for other people and not only themselves. 

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Alexia F.

I would say to look in the mirror and what they see that is their greatest competition, THEMSELVES. Stop looking at what others do or say if they are negative, just believe in you, nobody has your smile, your beautiful eyes, your brains and your personality. Surround yourself with people that brings the beauty within you, not the demons. 

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NortheastKristi Trelegan
Amalis B.

I realized I didn’t have to adjust myself for anyones needs as long as I love it that’s all that matters. So once you accept that everyone is beautiful in their own way the rest comes with it. Your confidence will sky rocket. 

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Ruby G.

I know it is  cliché, but I would tell someone who is struggling with their confidence to stop comparing themselves to others and to stop trying to change themselves to fit a certain criteria.

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Sybelle G.

To be your own kind of beautiful means to be free, happy and to be confident in oneself; to love and accept yourself and yours flaws. Once you can accept yourself, you can love and see how beautiful you are.

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Kestesie Z.

I would like to say if your struggling with confidence is to start of loving yourself because no one can do it for you. There will be people to help you and support other will not but the only number one is you, and only know that your worthy more than anything.

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Leahana G.

I like to think that I am beautiful because I am incredibly different from most 18 year olds. I consider myself an old soul, because I find I enjoy reading, poetry, painting and photography much more than I do with social media.  I would much rather be outside with a camera, at home with a good book or a nice pen and paper, or simply sitting in front of an easel with a dirty paint brush and some paints instead of gossiping about what goes on around the web. I am beautiful because not only do I have the mind of an artist but I have always wanted to reach out and help others. Especially animals, I like to speak for those who cannot speak themselves. I believe my character is what truly makes me beautiful, and I am really proud of who I am as a person. 

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Shahnila M.

I believe what makes me beautiful is the drive that I have. Not only do I model, but I am also majoring in engineering at a prestigious school, thus balancing both passions can be quite difficult at some times. I keep it pushing no matter what, even if it is hard, I continue on doing it because it is what makes me happy at the end of the day. 

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Paige S.

I think being your own type of beautiful is just to make sure you have confidence in ourself, no matter what others think. This could also mean breaking the boundaries of “standard” beauty. You don’t have to be thin, tall, have perfect teeth, you just have to believe you are beautiful. 

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Jamely M.

To look them self in the mirror and tell themselves that the only way to get out is to perceive yourself as your goal and repeat those same words that I repeat myself.

I am capable. I am strong. I am me.

Nothing more and nothing less

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NortheastKristi JNew Jersey
Maddy V.

Confidence is so contagious. It’s so important especially with being a model because at the end of the day we are also role models, and putting that positive energy into our work is crucial. 

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NortheastKristi JNew York