Jamely M.
Jamely M.
New Jersey, USA
Tell us about yourself
I’m 17 years old and I’m from Elizabeth New Jersey and I have been dancing for fourteen years.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream would have to be teaching the future generation and later opening up a dance studio.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Well everyone has a different way of perceiving beautiful to me it means that your strong, capable ,and true to yourself until the end.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
The only experience so far that I’ve had was with a modeling platform that helped me find my new found interest and for that I’m thankful.
What is your dream brand to model for?
My dream brand wow there are so many to choose from honestly It would be wild to pick just one but if we’re being honest here I’d like to see where life takes me on my journey through modeling.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style that is something I ask myself everyday
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
It’s huge and yes it’s a struggle but I take a moment out of my day and breathe in and out and I think on the brighter side and repeat to myself that I am capable. I am strong. And I am me. And I realize the only person who could stop myself would be myself.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I believe the biggest attribute i have that makes me beautiful would be my wild hair it’s huge and it’s quite a statement it’s different and most people aren’t used to seeing such big hair.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
To look them self in the mirror and tell themselves that the only way to get out is to perceive yourself as your goal and repeat those same words that I repeat myself.
I am capable. I am strong. I am me.
Nothing more and nothing less