Leahana G.
Leahana G.
New York, USA
Tell us about yourself.
Hi! My name is Leahana, but I have many nicknames! Many know me as Leah, Lea or Lilo. I am currently a freshman in college from New York. I have a lot of hobbies! My favorite being photography, painting and reading! I happen to be a major bookworm! I too am a dancer, my favorite styles are definitely ballet and lyrical! I have a major soft spot for animals, including my pet hamster Bibble. (Who models too!)
“What is your biggest dream?” :
I have a lot of different answers for this one. Perhaps I would like to travel the world. I’d love to someday visit some of the most prestige art galleries in the world and some of the most beautiful oceans. Though realistically I would have to say my biggest dream is to be able to pursue a modeling career while also working with marine mammals. It would be a dream to be able to do what I love while also helping others.
“What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful,” :
What it means, “to be your own kind of beautiful,” to me means that you’re beautiful because you’re, you. It means that you’re beautiful because you’re yourself and nobody else. What I mean by this is that to be someone who embraces their look, their style, their hobbies is what makes that someone beautiful. What truly makes someone beautiful to me means that they are being the most themselves they can be. What makes you different makes you beautiful. I would love to see more girls embrace themselves as they are, because every single girl out there no matter how short, or tall is beautiful too. To be beautiful is so much more than just a pretty face. Great minds are beautiful too.
“Tell is about your modeling experience...” :
To be honest, I am fairly new to the industry. In October of last year I attended the Barbizon school in hopes to get a taste of the waters. I knew I loved being behind the camera but at the time I was not sure if modeling was for me. With time though I grew to love it! I found that being able to express myself behind the camera and on the runway was just as fun as it was to express myself on the dance floor.
I attended the Barbizon competitions in D.C and have modeled locally for photographers in the area. I have dreams to some day model outside of the label locally. Everyday I strive to improve myself as a model weather it be on the runway or behind the camera.
Since I started modeling I am happy to say I am the most confident I have ever been. :)
“What is your dream brand to model for?” :
I have always been in love with fashion! I am always picking out outfits, and there has never been a day I’ve dressed down to go to class. I adore so many different brands I feel it’d be hard to narrow them down, but if I had to chose I think I would love to model for Aerie, American Eagle or Aeropostale. It’d be so cool to model anything, I could never settle one brand if given the chance!
“How would you describe your fashion style...” :
I have many different looks. My style is very wide in variety. Perhaps one day I may leave the house in a grunge aesthetic, with doc martins and a black leather jacket. And the next I may be walking about in a sunflower print dress with a floppy sunhat. I like everything from stripes, polka dots, boho prints.. it’s all the place. I’d buy out every style in the mall if I could. If I had to give my best description of my style, I would say that it is more common to see me in flower printed blouses and colored jeans with a pair of boot heels. Styles similar to Brandy Melville are the easiest way to describe some of my everyday, simple go to looks.
“How important is self awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life style?” :
Self love, confidence and awareness is really, really important to me. To be knowledgeable about your dreams, your motives and your own character is a great quality to have as an individual. All are associated with positive changes, and anything positive is HUGE. Self love and confidence are two subjects that I myself used to struggle with growing up. Now that I’ve got a good grip on them both, it is so much clearer to see how important they both are. Anyone can make you feel special, but it is so much more valuable to feel love coming from yourself. Being confident in the world we live in today is hard to come by, but it is definitely not impossible.
“What makes you beautiful/handsome?” :
This question, like many others I’m sure was the hardest to come up with an answer too. The word beautiful in society is so heavily associated with how girls look. I have found that, perhaps I am beautiful but it is not what I look like that makes me truly beautiful. I like to think that I am beautiful because I am incredibly different from most 18 year olds. “... tell us about yourself..” :
Hi! My name is Leahana, but I have many nicknames! Many know me as Leah, Lea or Lilo. I am currently a freshman in college from Rochester, New York. I have a lot of hobbies! My favorite being photography, painting and reading! I happen to be a major bookworm! I too am a dancer, my favorite styles are definitely ballet and lyrical! I have a major soft spot for animals, including my pet hamster Bibble. (Who models too!)
“What is your biggest dream?” :
I have a lot of different answers for this one. Perhaps I would like to travel the world. I’d love to someday visit some of the most prestige art galleries in the world and some of the most beautiful oceans. Though realistically I would have to say my biggest dream is to be able to pursue a modeling career while also working with marine mammals. It would be a dream to be able to do what I love while also helping others.
“What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful,” :
What it means, “to be your own kind of beautiful,” to me means that you’re beautiful because you’re, you. It means that you’re beautiful because you’re yourself and nobody else. What I mean by this is that to be someone who embraces their look, their style, their hobbies is what makes that someone beautiful. What truly makes someone beautiful to me means that they are being the most themselves they can be. What makes you different makes you beautiful. I would love to see more girls embrace themselves as they are, because every single girl out there no matter how short, or tall is beautiful too. To be beautiful is so much more than just a pretty face. Great minds are beautiful too.
“Tell is about your modeling experience...” :
To be honest, I am fairly new to the industry. In October of last year I attended the Barbizon school in hopes to get a taste of the waters. I knew I loved being behind the camera but at the time I was not sure if modeling was for me. With time though I grew to love it! I found that being able to express myself behind the camera and on the runway was just as fun as it was to express myself on the dance floor.
I attended the Barbizon competitions in D.C and have modeled locally for photographers in the area. I have dreams to some day model outside of the label locally. Everyday I strive to improve myself as a model weather it be on the runway or behind the camera.
Since I started modeling I am happy to say I am the most confident I have ever been. :)
“What is your dream brand to model for?” :
I have always been in love with fashion! I am always picking out outfits, and there has never been a day I’ve dressed down to go to class. I adore so many different brands I feel it’d be hard to narrow them down, but if I had to chose I think I would love to model for Aerie, American Eagle or Aeropostale. It’d be so cool to model anything, I could never settle one brand if given the chance!
“How would you describe your fashion style...” :
I have many different looks. My style is very wide in variety. Perhaps one day I may leave the house in a grunge aesthetic, with doc martins and a black leather jacket. And the next I may be walking about in a sunflower print dress with a floppy sunhat. I like everything from stripes, polka dots, boho prints.. it’s all the place. I’d buy out every style in the mall if I could. If I had to give my best description of my style, I would say that it is more common to see me in flower printed blouses and colored jeans with a pair of boot heels. Styles similar to Brandy Melville are the easiest way to describe some of my everyday, simple go to looks.
“How important is self awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life style?” :
Self love, confidence and awareness is really, really important to me. To be knowledgeable about your dreams, your motives and your own character is a great quality to have as an individual. All are associated with positive changes, and anything positive is HUGE. Self love and confidence are two subjects that I myself used to struggle with growing up. Now that I’ve got a good grip on them both, it is so much clearer to see how important they both are. Anyone can make you feel special, but it is so much more valuable to feel love coming from yourself. Being confident in the world we live in today is hard to come by, but it is definitely not impossible.
“What makes you beautiful/handsome?” :
This question, like many others I’m sure was the hardest to come up with an answer too. The word beautiful in society is so heavily associated with how girls look. I have found that, perhaps I am beautiful but it is not what I look like that makes me truly beautiful. I like to think that I am beautiful because I am incredibly different from most 18 year olds. I consider myself an old soul, because I find I enjoy reading, poetry, painting and photography much more than I do with social media. I would much rather be outside with a camera, at home with a good book or a nice pen and paper, or simply sitting in front of an easel with a dirty paint brush and some paints instead of gossiping about what goes on around the web. I am beautiful because not only do I have the mind of an artist but I have always wanted to reach out and help others. Especially animals, I like to speak for those who cannot speak themselves. I believe my character is what truly makes me beautiful, and I am really proud of who I am as a person.
“What would you say to another girl struggling with her confidence?” :
Own what makes you different. Find where your passion lies and pursue it! No individual is the same and embracing who you are is not only an amazing thing but an amazing quality.
“What would you say to another girl struggling with her confidence?” :
Own what makes you different. Find where your passion lies and pursue it! No individual is the same and embracing who you are is not only an amazing thing but an amazing quality.