Hannah Noelle Models

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Schnoovia S

Age: 23


Waist: 26

Hips: 35 1/2


Height: 5”7

Weight: 115lbs

Hair/Eye Color: Black/ Dark Brown 

Tell us about yourself

  • I am 23 years old originated from Haiti. I love  hitting the runway It makes me feel like I have so much power. I am attending SB University. Currently I am trying to grow as a model and also a makeup influencer. 

What is your biggest dream

  • My biggest dream is to be able to influence others in a positive way. To be on magazines, billboards ,TV, and modeling for luxury brands. Also want to be a part of Agencies or even have one of my own for young adults all over the world. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

  • To be your own kind of beautiful is to be comfortable in your own skin. Love yourself internally and externally. Be confident and always think everyone is beautiful in their own way. 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

  • My first fashion show ever was a year ago just a couple  months after I move to NY for Plitzs fashion show. That’s where It all started. I had the chance to network and work with photographers and from there I was meeting other people models, designer, photographers.., I’ve worked with a couple photographers meant at fashion shows and networking events. My second runway show was for Brooklyn fashion week. Looking forward for more runway shows. 

What is your dream brand to model for?

  • I have a lot of brand that I would love to model for, example:  Burberry, Gucci, Fenti. Nike, Steve Madden, Channel,  Givenchy, Adidas and more. Brands with comfortable, flexible style. Everyone like to look good and most importantly feel comfortable. 

How would you describe your fashion style?

  • I would say that I don’t have one specific style. My style depends on the day and my mood sometimes also when it comes to fashion I am open to try any style . Sometimes my can be relax, chic, polished, sporty and let’s not forget comfortable. To me being comfortable is one the most important thing about my fashion style. I can say everything else depend on my mood and also what  makeup look I feel like doing that day. Sometimes I like to dress fancy with heels and sometimes I wear sneakers and sweats, other time I like some leggings and a oversized shirt. My to go style will be all black with a long oversized jacket and some combat boots.  

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

  • Self awareness in your everyday life is very important, specially with today’s social media, the rude comments and the memes. Know who you are on every level, don’t doubt yourself cause others are quick to say what they want but the only one with the real story is You. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

  • Who I am is what makes me beautiful is who I am. How I influence others with what I do and make them realize anyone can be anything if you put your mind and heart to It. Beauty is not only what people see on the outside. One thing I’ve learn is people are full with surprises learn the inner beauty of others instead of looking at what’s on the outside.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

  • I would say to anyone struggling with confidence to be themselves that once you realize that everyone is not as perfect as they portrait themselves It will be easier. Do not let the judgements of others make you think less of yourself cause at the end of the day there is only one version of you and that is the best version, the version that you want for yourself is what will hold you. Get to know and love yourself. In the long you will learn that Everyone has their own opinion but not every opinion is worth listening to. Don’t stay too much on social media if there’s negative posts that might be offensive to you. Find ways to protect yourself from things that might be affecting your self confidence.. At the end of the day just know there is only one you and it’s up to you to decide who you want to be.