Hannah Noelle Models

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Anja N.

Tell us about yourself.

Hi! My name is Anja N. I am originally from a small town in Missouri of about 800 people. I lived on a small farm until I was 14 years old. Growing up, I always had the biggest dreams of becoming a model I would watch America's Next Top Model and put on “fashion shows” for my mom and dad. I have always been a person to show my personality through what I wear, and be my own person. So in school, I would always get made fun of for being “different.” For a while, that had really blown my confidence. But it wasn't until I moved to Florida and left all of that judgment behind, that I realized It is okay to be different. The only person who can tell you who to be is you. So, I started taking pictures of my own style! And now, I am on the way to making my dreams a reality. 

What is your biggest dream? 

My biggest dream is not only to model clothing for brands and walk the runway, but also to become a positive image to inspire young men and women across the world to be their own person and chase their dreams. I also someday, hope to start my own fashion line for all shapes, heights, and sizes, and I also hope to someday be able to give out scholarships for fashion design schools! 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? 

I think “to be your own kind of beautiful” means to be you and nobody else. A lot of people nowadays are afraid to show who they are because of what others might think and say. So, instead of being themselves they try to be somebody else. Being who you are is one of the most important things about a person. It is loving yourself, knowing yourself, and inspiring yourself and others. Even when life tries to tear you down, which it will, you continue to inspire yourself and believe in yourself. And that is what I think it means to “be your own kind of beautiful.” 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I take pictures on a regular basis. I have been a brand ambassador for brands such as California Apparel. I don't have much experience, but I am excited to begin earning modeling experience through Hannah Noelle Models! 

What is your dream brand to model for? 

I would love to model for any brands, but some of my top picks are Victoria's Secret, Nike, Calvin Klein, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and White Fox. 

How would you describe your fashion style? 

My fashion style is very unique. I love bright colors, and to stand out. I like to look active and fun. I like to think that my style is trendy, seasonal, outgoing, and my own. I like to wear a variety of bright and dark colors. My favorite season is fall, so I love sweaters and boots. One of my favorite things to wear is oversized sweaters and shirts! But I also like to wear more summer trendy outfits like a sundress and sandals. 

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life? 

I think that self-awareness and confidence is one of the most important things in life. I believe, to accomplish anything in life, you have to work hard, have confidence, and believe in yourself. You are the only person who can be you, therefore, nobody else can accomplish your dreams for you, In order to accomplish your dreams, you must believe and be confident in yourself. If you believe in yourself, others are more likely to believe in you as well. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome? 

There are many things that I think make me beautiful on the inside and out. I see the good in myself. I am always trying to help those in need, and I think that makes me a beautiful person. Also, my confidence and smile! A true confident smile always makes a person look more beautiful. Also my team support. I am true to what I say, and I always lift up and encourage others. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence? 

If I had the chance to speak with anyone struggling with confidence, this is what I would say. “A lot of times, people find themselves struggling with confidence because of what people think, but at the end of the day, The only person who truly knows you is you. If you are like me and have struggled with anxiety and stage fright due to other people and their opinions or the things that they might say, you know that it is not always easy to step out of your comfort zone. But the truth is, it is not what you look like on the outside of the things that you wear that define who you are, it is the person you chose to be on the inside, and how you chose to love and inspire yourself and others that will allow you to do great things. And it is okay to be different. I would say that it’s better to be different! Why be like everyone else when you can be your own, unlike anyone else! With just a bit of confidence, you can accomplish anything. Just be you.