Jayla M.

Jayla M.

Louisiana, USA

Tell us about yourself.

Hi I’m Jayla, Born in New Orleans Raised in Georgia. I am a helper by nature I love Helping people and doing what I can to make the world a more kinder place. There’s no greater joy than seeing the people I love happy! My family means everything to me I love spending time with them, hanging out, just being around them. They are my walking happiness. And if there’s anything else you need to know about me it’s my love for cheese fries!! Cheese Fries honestly have my heart and soul...they are amazing.

What is your biggest dream?
My Biggest Dream is to become a super model.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be your own kind of beautiful means to own being yourself. In order to exude true beauty you have to be your unique self. Everyone one is beautiful yes, this is true but NO ONE is you and that makes you your own kind of beautiful!

Tell us about your modeling experience.
My modeling Experiencing Has as of lately been on the Climb. I work hard everyday to get my name out there and the grind will not stop.

What are your dream brands to model for?
Dream Brands I want to model for are as followed; Mangred Mugler, Prada, Dionne, Givenchy, Chanel and sooo many more.

How would you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my Fashion style as Moody. I honestly dress according to how I feel. I never plan what I wear I just wake up in a certain mood and interpret it through my clothes. Your clothes says things your words can not so make sure whatever it is that you are wearing you are making a statement.

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
My confidence comes from my self awareness Being self Aware is very important to me especially at this age. It helps me to be confident in my everyday decisions. I used to over think everything until I became self aware. Not being in tune with yourself and emotions can negatively affect many aspects of your life.

What makes you beautiful?
I do not believe just one thing makes you beautiful or one quality makes you beautiful. I believe it is all in who you are. How you treat others and how you react to how they treat you. Beauty to me can’t be seen through the naked eye but witnessed through ones soul. So what Makes me beautiful Is my ability to be myself, my self awareness.

What would you say to another girl your age who is struggling with their confidence? 
If you are ever struggling with confidence sit down and tell yourself “there are approximately 7 billion people in the world...and not One of them is me”.

SoutheastKristi JLouisiana