Kaitlyn W.
Kaitlyn W.
Oklahoma, USA
Tell us about yourself.
My name is Kaitlyn W. I am an 18 year old college student majoring in law. I live in Oklahoma. My hobbies include singing, playing guitar, modeling and I love fashion and photography. I also love traveling to new countries and learning about other cultures.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to model for a famous designer like Chanel as I work my way through college. I would love to have the opportunity to be featured in commercials as well as magazines and other photography advertising.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To me, being your own kind of beautiful means being comfortable in your own skin and not changing yourself for others. Your own kind of beautiful is finding yourself and holding true to your values, beliefs, and desires. Aspire to be no one but yourself.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have been able to meet lifelong friends and make connections with people who come from all different backgrounds. I have worked with several photographers and agencies all across the US and have participated in events such as Photocon and Bedford photowalks. I have also worked with clothing brands on instagram and modeled for local boutiques. I post my photoshoots frequently on social media and I am hoping to grow my platform as a model as well.
What is your dream brand to model for?
My dream brand to model for is Chanel as I admire their elegance and unique style.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my style as classy and professional. I enjoy setting my own standard for style as opposed to following others trends. I believe you should get up each day and prepare for the lifestyle and employment you want so you can be ready for whatever comes your way.
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
I believe being confident in your everyday life is crucial for success. You must know who you are and know your worth as you are just as capable as anyone else when it comes to following your dreams and accomplishing everything you desire.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
What makes me beautiful is that I can see the beauty in everyone and everything around me. I believe everyone has special qualities and traits that set us apart and make us who we are. I think it is very important that we are encouraging others and making it our goal to build each other up and help others gain confidence in themselves!
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I would tell them that you don’t have to look a certain way to be beautiful, everyone is beautiful regardless of height, or size. Every person is different and everyone has flaws. I would tell them to do what makes them feel happy because everyone has imperfections and insecurities, we need to embrace them because that is what sets us apart and makes us unique.