Posts tagged Michagan
Belle H.

Helping people! Being 18 is such an uncertain time. Who knows what I’ll be doing in 5 years from now, but no matter where life takes me, I want to make the people around me feel happy, safe and supported however I can.

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Peyton C.

Being your own kind of beautiful is simply being comfortable in your own skin. Everyone is

different and everyone is beautiful. Being your own kind of beautiful is being comfortable and

happy in your own body no matter what the scale or the critics may say.

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MidwestKristi JMichagan
Hayley R.

I think self-awareness and confidence can play a significant role in their happiness and the faster you learn how to be confident in your appearance, the more time you can spend on focusing on improving yourself to consistently grow.

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MidwestKristi JMichagan
Kristy H.

Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are worth it and you are enough, because you are. Flaunt your best traits. Move with a purpose. Never settle, keep working towards your dreams and goals. Reach for the stars.

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Brooke S.

To be your own kind of beautiful to me means that you are confident in your own skin and most importantly internally confident. You are unique in your own way and love all your flaws and insecurities purely. Being your own kind of beautiful is the beautiful you are on the inside and not on the outside.

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Kate R.

To be your own kind of beautiful is to embrace who you are with every fiber of your being and be PROUD of it! To be your own kind of beautiful is to be confident in who you are… regardless as to what anyone else says.

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