Elle Z.


Waist: 27

Hips: 34

Bust: 37

Height: 6'

Hair/Eye Color: Auburn, Green

Tell us about yourself

Hi, my name is Elle Zinn and I’m from Kansas City, Missouri! I’m 18 years old and am currently studying at the University of Kansas. I have a deep passion for helping people and making communities better than they were. I am in love with making art through modeling and aerial arts to allow others to express themselves!

Tell us about your modeling experience.:

I have been modeling ever since I was six months old; I was the Children's Mercy Baby, and starred in dozens of commercials and magazines. I continue to find myself modeling for magazines, dance/aerial competitions, and walking runways!

What is your biggest dream?: 

My biggest dream is to help people. I want to work with non-profit companies to find a way to make communities safe for others around the world. Through these dreams, I want to continue my own passions and keep making art, and allowing others to express themselves through their own art.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?: 

Being your own kind of beautiful to me is to completely be yourself both physically and mentally. We all have such unique experiences and beauty in this world in which women have to fight the standards society has placed on us. Find yourself in the world. Find your own beauty and find that in the comfort of your own skin. Find how to breathe in your own soul and understand how special your life can become. Never apologize for finding yourself because being yourself is what beauty really encapsulates.

How would you describe your fashion style?: 

My personal style has been commonly described as “comfy movie character.” I tend to take my favorite vintage trends, usually the 70s and the 90s, and combine them with items that will make me as comfortable as possible. I reflect my fashion icons which include Jane Birkin, Donna Pinciotti from That 70s Show, and Bella Hadid.

Who or what inspires you?: 

I have so many inspirations in life, it seems difficult to just pick one. I value the path in which I can create for myself through my numerous passions. I can create my own world and my own life without fearing that I am too much for it. Not only that, but the people who have raised me inspire me to be better. My older sisters show me that the world is exciting but it waits for no one and continues to tell me to explore how I can change the world myself. My aerial coach, who has been a true mother to me, inspires me to take the world by storm and to not allow people to push me down. I value my ability to see the world as it is and work to achieve my goals in this world.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?: 

You are worthy of seeing yourself as beautiful. This work can become hard because of the constant comparison of women in the world and models tend to find themselves comparing their identity to others. The societal beauty standard is something I constantly try to break and I attempt to be comfortable in my own skin every day. Seeing yourself as beautiful will push you to be better, to be kinder, and to push your passion even further.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.: 

An obstacle that I often encounter in life is my journey with mental health. I find myself as an advocate for mental health, especially for those in the arts. Dancers, aerialists, and models all struggle with their strength and beauty in this world and finding an open community to speak about those struggles has shaped me as a stronger woman. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression which affects my everyday life, commonly making myself see myself as lesser than those around me. I work to view myself as better and help communities to see themselves as better.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?: 

I feel most beautiful when I am using myself for good. I’ve become so comfortable boosting others up in the world and using my time to help underprivileged communities. I care more about others than I care about myself sometimes and that creates a passion for improvement. My mind has turned into a beautiful thing as it learns to care.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?: 

Think of yourself as that little girl or little boy, the one that was learning how to ride a bike or was covered in ice cream after a long summer day. You would never be mean to that little kid. Speak kindly to that child within you. Finding beauty in yourself can be hard but it’s truly your inner self that speaks volumes. Be kind. Eat good food. Use your words and hands for good. When outer beauty fades away, inner beauty will forever be there.

Kristi Trelegan