Lillian E.


Waist: 28in

Hips: 32in

bust: 34in

Height: 5’4

Hair color: Dirty blonde

Tell us about yourself:

I’m 20 years old, I am from northern Michigan, grew up farming, oldest of 10.

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I’ve been doing pageants and little side gigs for small businesses ever since I could remember being little, at 18 I finally decided to take the chance and go all into modeling after high school. Since high school, I’ve had countless publishing and magazines, worked on video projects, went to Miami swim week, went out to New York to train with Coco Rocha herself at the Coco Rocha model camp. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Being your own kind of beautiful to me, is to be able to be yourself without a second thought. no care of judgment or a box that you should fit into. Being your own kind of beautiful is realizing that we were born to break that box.

How would you describe your fashion style?

Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston’s child

Who or what inspires you?

I will always love, my dear Marilyn Monroe

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

Take the leap, don’t look back, do it all for YOUNGER AND FUTURE YOU!


Just post them, and keep taking pictures, the best and most I’ve learned as a model is just through experience and learning, and teaching myself along the way. There’s no set instructions on how to do what we do necessarily find your place and embrace it well.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

Life was very complicated for me growing up my biological parents split when I was two , I grew up in a very white picket house fencing setting and a enormous commercial farm.  I had a family that did well and We’re very well-known for being good people. Specifically, my parents had a very dark side to themselves. Which created a lot of confusion for me and my siblings growing up. At the age of 10 I was sat down and told that I was now the nanny of the family. From that day forward, my plans went after my parents plans. At around that time, that’s when my abuse started, By the age of 12 my parents were fighting to keep custody of me because of all the complaints from my school. I would come to school with bruises and marks from my parents almost every day to try to lie to teachers when they knew. There was a big incident that went down at about 14 that caused me to live with just my mom, I lived with her until I was 17. I got a boyfriend moved out. Lost connection with both parents. So then, really all I had other than my parents was my grandma and my godfather who were present in my life. And then August 2022 I lost my grandma, and March 2023 I lost my Godfather. Which really has been my current obstacle to get over. Going through life and all of my achievements without really anyone to talk to or tell.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

My kindness and my sense of humor are my most beautiful traits.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

Confidence will never just proof be there.  It’s something that you have to work at and pretty much come to an understanding of how it honestly works. Because you can have all the confidence in the world but a certain situation or someone can rip it away within seconds. And that’s exactly why it takes more to confidence than just being confident. You have to be confident and secure in who you are 100%. And even then you will still have hard days and understanding that and excepting that is part of your  confidence!

Kristi Trelegan