Hannah Noelle Models

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Sydney P.

Age: 14


Waist: 26



Height: 5’6 ½ 

Hair/Eye Color: brown


Tell us about yourself

Hi my name is Sydney, I am from Maryland, I am 15 years old, and I love to talk about fashion and modeling! My dream one day is to go to a big college and to become a famous supermodel who walks many shows and meets different celebrities! I am big on proving to people that you can be both beautiful and brains. 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I am a new model and I have started recently in 2024, I have always dreamed of traveling to be in different fashion shows and seeing myself on different brands. I love the runway and watching the 2000’s models pave their way for generations to come. I am so excited to start with Hannah Noelle Modeling Agency and meet other models with the same interest. 

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to become a supermodel who can make a strong impact on the fashion and modeling industry. I would love to be a positive influence for younger models like myself who don't know where to start or need someone to look at as a leader in the modeling industry. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Being your own kind of beautiful is solely based on what's inside of you. When you surround yourself with positive influences and focus on your personal growth you become beautiful inside and out. Don’t compare yourself to others but appreciate who you are and how far you've come. It's not about your physical appearance but how you treat yourself and others!

How would you describe your fashion style?

I  would say my aesthetic is a clean girl vanilla type of style, but during the summer I also like the euro italian and the coconut clothing during the summer!

Who or what inspires you?

The people that inspire me the most are daily influencers, for example Nicole laeno. She gives me the motivation to get my stuff done while also living a realistic aesthetic life. She shows me and other younger girls how to stay organized while living a fun life. I love the way she does things in an orderly fashion. Other girls like me love stuff like this because we strive to have a life such as theirs behind the scenes. 

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

As a beginner model herself, I say don’t let rejection get to you. They are a normal thing then happens and you will find the right agency to attend to! It takes time although it may not come fast the right people will find you and once you get started it will be  such an amazing experience! 

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

An obstacle I have overcome in my life is when I had a close relative pass away. It was hard at first trying to live my life without one of the people I loved the most but I managed to get through it. Every now and then it does start to hurt but it has shaped me into a stronger person on  how to get through hard times without the person you loved the most. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

What makes me beautiful is my unique qualities and the way I am able to treat myself. My resilience and ability to overcome challenges while putting a smile on peoples faces and support those around me makes me a beautiful person overall. It's not about my physical appearance but the inside that marks me who I am. Uplifting others  and not letting the wrong people get to me give me more opportunities to shine through myself. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

If you are struggling with your confidence it is a completely normal stage in life. Just remember that you are perfect the way you are, and don't compare yourself to others either. Just think of it this way, the morning sun and the night stars are two beautiful things that people adore. But, they're completely different, they shine in their own ways that make them as beautiful as you are. Try to lift your head up high, even if you have to fake it, it will soon become the reality and the truth. Don't let bad people ruin your way of thinking and downgrade your dreams just because you're doing what they can't. You are perfect the way you are.