Zlati G.


Height 5’8.5”

Waist 24”

Hips 33”

Bust 31

Tell us about yourself

I am from Eastern Europe, Bulgaria, but I live in Chicago. I came here at 7 years old and I am currently 16 years old. I am quite content with my life in America, but I do visit my home country often because I love it there so much. 

 Tell us about your modeling experience.

I currently have no modeling experience but am eager to learn! 

What is your biggest dream: My biggest dream consists of walking Paris fashion week and doing a magazine cover. 

 What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful:

Being your own kind of beautiful means being able to live in your own body without constant doubt and judgement. It is also about acknowledging and embracing our individuality inside and out because that’s what makes us special. 

 How would you describe your fashion style:

My style can be described as classic but artistic. 

Who or what inspires you: My mother inspires me because she's been through a lot of tough situations, and I aspire to be just as strong and capable as she is. My sister also inspires me a lot when it comes to fashion and never being scared to try something different and explore with new things. 

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling:

I think perseverance and confidence are huge keys to making it in the world of modeling. The ability the take criticism in a healthy way and not give up is also very important.

 Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you:

My sophomore year of high school I tore my acl ligament and it was a crucial time in my life that I’ll forever remember. Tearing an ACL ligament is a long recovery process and because of it I wasn't able to start my modeling career sooner, which was something really hard for me to accept. After the acl surgery, I had a lot of basic everyday abilities taken away from me. As someone who is a super independent person, it took a toll on me mentally. After months of not being able to walk alone and constant physical therapy, I did overcome the situation with lots of appreciation for the basic needs that you don’t think of day to day that really are crucial to a happy life. It made me a lot stronger and sure that I can conquer many other challenging obstacles. 

What makes you beautiful/ handsome:

What makes me beautiful is my ability to express myself authenticly in any shape or form i desire, as well as my unique features. 

What would you say to another girl/ guy your age who is struggling with their confidence.

I would say that the greatest gift and biggest power in life is that no one looks exactly like you and that's what makes us all beautiful in our own different ways. 

Kristi Trelegan