Chloe T.
Chloe T.
Florida, USA.
Age: 19
Height: 5’10”
Bust: 32B
Waist: 25
Hips: 35
Dress: 2
Shoe: 7
Inseam: 32
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Tell us about yourself
Hi! My name’s Chloe T! I’m located in Florida. I’m 19 years old. I love being in the fashion industry, I always have even at a young age. I love designing clothes, putting together outfits, help managing back stage as well as participating in runway events! I have many hobby’s which include being a painter, I enjoy creating art and touching people’s hearts with my work. Seeing people smile is all I want!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have been modeling free lance for 2 years now. June 2020 is when I started. I’ve done all kinds of jobs in my experience. Runway, print, fashion or editorial, glamor, as well as promotional!
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to travel the world doing what I love which is creating art by modeling and acting. I would love to work for big brands, walk the runway for big fashion designers, and act in shows or movies. I couldn’t ask for a better blessing. Modeling and acting is my calling and I truly feel myself when I’m doing my job!
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Being your own kind of beautiful to me is to completely be yourself and let your soul grow, heal, and learn. We all, as humans, are such incredible people inside and out. We all have so much to offer to this world, while in exchange, the world has so much to offer us in return. The world is quit literally in your hands, you just have to take it and show everyone who you are with no care for how others perceived you. Never apologize for being yourself because being yourself sincerely, is what makes you beautiful.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would say I don’t necessarily have a specific fashion sense because of how broad spectrum my clothing choices are, but over all I’d say I love to dress very classy and chic. I love me a good trench coat and boots.
Who or what inspires you?
There’s so much that inspires me it’s nearly impossible to decide on one person or thing. I’d have to say the world inspires me. People in general inspire me. Seeing others be confident in an interest they have motivates me to be even better in my interests. My family is a major support system of mine and they’ve always taught me to strive for my dreams no matter what. My friends are always here with open arms for me and push me to be a better person, a better friend, a better sister. All these people in my life even strangers, motivate me to be me, as well as help the world around me.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Never give up. No matter how long it seems it’s taking, how hard days get, never stop trying. There’s going to be days where in this industry you’ll be compared to other girls, and while in that habit you’ll start to compare yourself. Don’t do that, you should love yourself entirely and know you have great value. Be persistent, accept that it’s a challenge to get up onto your own two feet and take it into your hands. You will reach your dreams as long as you believe that you can get there. Contact local photographers in your area, go to modeling school or classes, do what it takes to do the things you love. You’ll make it as long as your hardworking, are persistent and professional, and are a kind person.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
I was bullied while growing up specifically in middle school so body image was an issue I had for a long time. I was made fun of for being tall and skinny. They called me anorexic more than I can count which drove me into severe depression. Instead of letting it be a ghost that haunted me all the time I turned it into drive, into spirit, and into motivation. I took what they threw at me and it made me stronger. Now, I’m a major believer in self love. Life has ups and downs, that’s completely unavoidable. You just can’t let those downs get to you because just over the hill, when you’re going back up, is a brighter future. Believe in it.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I think what makes me beautiful is how much I care for other people. I really value my friends, family, coworkers, teachers, business partners, etc. Everyone has a place in my life and I always want to leave an impact to make other people’s day better. I care more about other people than myself sometimes. My mind is a very beautiful thing.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence
Give yourself a break. Being hard on yourself all the time is stressful and mentally exhausting. Just close your eyes, breathe, and try to find peace within yourself. Talk to yourself as if you were speaking to your best friend, I’m sure the way you see them is way different then how they view themselves. Loving yourself can be hard but just know that you will. Confidence comes from your soul it’s not just given to you. Yet, confidence isn’t just a physical form. Love your inner self. Your mind, thoughts, and soul, that’s all beauty. Looks fade but your soul is eternal. Love who you are on the inside. Give yourself time, let yourself heal, comparing yourself to all these other women and men on social media will only make it worse. We’re all human; remember that.