Jenna A.
Jenna A.
California, USA.
Age: 21
Waist: 27
Hips: 38
Bust: 37
Height: 5’6
Weight: 130
Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/ Brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I am 21 years old from a small country town in the central valley of California, Oakdale. I moved to Santa Barbara where I played beach volleyball and obtained three associate degrees. Currently, I am in my fourth year at University of California, Santa Barbara for a Bachelors in Communications and Applied Psychology. I teach STEM and Computer Coding online to children when I am not studying. In my spare time I frequent the gym, ride equestrian, and travel internationally to volunteer with nonprofits. Some of my previous endeavors include volunteering in Tanzania, Honduras, Canada, and about 12 other countries to work/for leisure.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have experience modeling for local photographers and clothing stores in Santa Barbara and Oakdale California
What is your biggest dream?
I have always had this one dream. This dream has been growing in strength in my head with a pounding need for action for over nine years. It is a dream with tremendous potential to change not only my life, but also the people around me and maybe even the world itself. It began with a flash, a cry for help as my third grade self heard the voice of activist Sally Struthers on television. I saw the pictures on the screen of children starving and in need of urgent help. Many children were my same age, but nothing like the ones I knew in my small American hometown of Knights Ferry. Then, almost nine years since my dream began at the age of seventeen, a fire began to spark within and confidence that I could and would go to Africa. I could do this small thing with great love, and I began to take responsibility to make it happen. The previous two summers I spent in Canada and Arizona near the Mexican border with Me to We foundation building homes for the less fortunate. This rocketed my passion to make my dream a reality. Every free minute was used to look up volunteer programs in Africa. I was on the hunt to find a perfect match. Finally, I found Global Leadership Adventures and signed up with them to dedicate my summer to helping make a difference in Africa. When I actually started to pack for Africa it was surreal. I felt as if I was in shock that it was finally happening. I took initiative that many teenagers my age would never do. Between the 3 airplane flights, a night in an Ethiopian hotel alone and a 12 hour layover, I had to step up as a young adult and take on tasks by myself that I never thought would be possible. My life would never be the same.
My biggest dream is to continue traveling internationally with nonprofit organizations. My desire to consistently travel grows stronger each day. I would love to join the Peace Corps or UNICEF in the future to continue my dream!
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be your own kind of beautiful means to embrace yourself in a positive light. To have grit, integrity, and selflessness. Being your own kind of beautiful means finding love for yourself within, so you can love others.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my fashion style as chic or “model off duty”. I like to wear wide leg trousers and heeled mules for every occasion. My signature piece of clothing is a blazer. My collection of blazers are fit for every season! When I am not dressing up, I wear athletic clothes because you can find me at the gym.
Who or what inspires you?
I guess it’s sorta cliche to call your dad your hero but for me it only seems fitting. He taught me pride, honesty, and honor. He showed me how to love and how to be loved. He encouraged me to take on my fears, my wants, my needs and my aspirations with a fire inside me. Most importantly, he did that all right by my side. The man who would drop everything to pridefully cheer me on during volleyball tournaments in another state. The man who always dances with me no matter where we are. The man who dedicated his life to save others and be the greatest father/papa/husband he can be. A fire chief, an inspiration, and so much more.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My advice for someone who is just getting started with modeling is to become confident in front of the camera. Once that comes naturally, it will make photo shoots fun! It helps to practice with people you are comfortable with first
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
My biggest obstacle over my lifetime has been my anxiety and depression. I was diagnosed from such a young age that I thought it was normal to always feel down. As I get older, I realize the importance of putting my mental health first above all. I started doing little things to help clear my mind and accept help. Although I have not completely overcome it, I learned to embrace myself and help others struggling with the same issues.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I think my heart makes me beautiful. I have always cared for others in such a passionate way. My dream of traveling internationally with nonprofits sparked in third grade. Once you find beauty within yourself, confidence and happiness become effortless
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Avoid comparing yourself to others because everyone is beautiful in their own way. We each have unique traits that make us who we are. In today’s society, it is easy to get caught up in social media but remember people only show the positive side of their life.