Alexia R.
Alexia R.
Colorado, USA.
Age: 25
Waist: 29
Hips: 39
Bust: 34
Height: 5’1
Weight: 140
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/ Brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
My name is Alexia but all my friends call me Lexi! I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. My love language is adventure and I try to find a little of it each day. I work in healthcare but expressing myself through pictures is my passion. I am a self-proclaimed foodie and am always trying to find myself on the next flight to my next adventure!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
My modeling experience goes as far as my best friend encouraging me to get behind the lens. This just goes to show that anyone can do anything as long as you believe in yourself!
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to be an advocate for young women with body image struggles. What that looks like yet, I’m not sure. But I am so excited to figure it out :)
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be your own kind of beautiful to me is to be confident in your differences. From a very young age as women we are given this standard of beauty that ‘just makes sense’. To be confident in your own skin, shape, size, color, whatever that may be and knowing you are beautiful exactly the way you are.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion styles evolve the more I continue to evolve and grow as a person. Right now I am very into streetwear!
Who or what inspires you?
Women. All the women in my life inspire me. How much as a gender we have overcome and continue to pave the way for generations behind us will always astound me. I am grateful to be a powerful woman because of being guided by those before me.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
To remember the reason you are doing this for. Modeling should be a beautiful expression of who you are and the beautiful ways you are able to express yourself. Don’t ever get caught up in comparison games.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
I have had a variety of eating disorders and body imaging issues throughout my life. Which made me feel like an opportunity to be a signed model was never a possibility for me. I had never seen someone with my body structure become a model and now my mission is to advocate for girls just like me. Forever grateful for the hard work I endured to make it to the other side to be a voice and an example that your wildest dreams are possible!
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
My ability to connect with others. My intentions are pure and I love how deep my love goes. Beauty is so much deeper than what is on the surface.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
It sounds so cliche, but you really are PERFECT the way you are. No one could ever be you and that is truly the most beautiful thing about you. To stay true to who you are because it will take you far greater places believing in yourself than waiting for someone to believe in you