Jessica W.
Jessica W.
Georgia, USA.
Age: 32
Waist: 26
Hips: 36
Bust: 34
Height: 5’6
Weight: 117lbs
Hair/Eye Color: Strawberry Blonde/ Blue
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m thirty-two years young, the current Mrs. Georgia Earth 2021, world traveler, foodie, adventure junkie, sustainable tourism advocate, an advocate for the environment, Creator of my platform SALE, a member of the UNA-USA (United Nations Association), co-owner of a small business, Mr. Fixit Smartphone and Computer Repair, Mom to a larger than life two year old, twelve year old shitzu (Bubbles), five year old standard poodle (Mojo) and baby kitten. (Bandit) I was a freelance model for the past five years wanting representation and opportunities!
*SALE is a sustainable tourism guide and it stands for ( Sustainable. Authentic, Local ,Experinces)
(IG - sale_around_the_globe)
I’m Mrs. Georgia Earth, which is a part of the Miss Earth USA organization. (Mrsgeorgiaearth)
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have been modeling regularly since 2017. I used to model when I was younger but took time off to focus on school and college. In that time also became a Delta Flight Attendant, and ran a small business. Now that the business is able to run on its own I wanted to get back into modeling, because it just so much fun. I truly enjoy it.
I have walked NYFW, Miami Swim (2021)
I have shoot with many photographers (Swim, Fashion, Beauty, Creative,Lifestyle, Bridal)
I have done events and trade shows
What is your biggest dream?
To make it to every continent by the time I’m thirty-five, To one day have a travel series like a new age Rick Steves, I want to be a champion of environmental change in the Tourism Industry, to be in Sports Illustrated, To be on a cover of a fashion magazine, to be a signed model, and to be the best version of myself as I can. I also hope to become a very skillful investor.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be happy with who you are, there is not one person on this planet that is you! Celebrate it and embrace it.
How would you describe your fashion style?
A mix of Classic and Model-Off Duty! I like looking amazing without trying too hard on an everyday basis. Now when I have a glam event, I’ll be EXTRA !
Who or what inspires you?
Travel! I feel like it’s the worlds best educator, it brings humanity together, and you appreciate the beauty of our planet and how lucky we are to live on it. I love meeting new people and learning about different cultures.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Just keep going especially if you enjoy it. You never know what opportunities are out there. It is never too late, I walked my first NYFW runway a week before I turned 32.
Invest in a good portfolio, not only do you have beautiful images, but it is great practice for when you are working for a client or company!
Also If it’s not fun to you then its time to stop and find something else that lights your fire.
Leverage your social media! I wish I would have done so earlier :)
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
In life, my family has struggled with many tragedies, illnesses, and sadness this past few years. One of the most trying periods in my entire life. It changed me by showing me that life is fragile, and if you are sitting on the sidelines watching it pass you by then you missing out on everything life has to offer. It made me appreciate what a gift it is to be alive, as well as you are responsible for the choices you make in this life.
In this industry its been my height, its hard to be considered a great model by photographers you work with and then hear the comments oh well you too short to be a “real model”, even though there are all types of modeling out there!
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I think it’s my soul that makes me beautiful. I’m comfortable with who I am. I
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Start writting down what you are grateful for.
Figure out what physical attributes are your favorites and start emphasizing those.
Be proud of where you are at in this moment. I’m honestly more confident in my thirties than I was in my twenties!