Elliott S.
Elliott S.
Wyoming, USA.
Age: 20
Waist: 26
Hips: 34
Bust: 30
Height: 5”6
Weight: 120
Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/Green
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
Hi, my name is Elliott Stafford I grew up in a small town in Wyoming where I fell in love with my first passion; Soccer. I played soccer for thirteen years and thought for the longest time I would go Pro. However; in my first year playing collegiate soccer I found out a lot of new things about myself. That including my love for fashion, photography, art, and modeling. I began to pursue a passion in modeling very quickly but soon realized how hard modeling actually was and the dedication I would have to put in. I graduated with an Associate in Business after a year and a half and quit soccer and school to pursue modeling with the hope of soon opening up my very own boutique. I fell in love with bettering myself and doing things that make me happy and I am super excited to see where HannahNoelle takes me. I love fashion of all types, i love to travel, listen to music, do my makeup, shop, paint, read, and surround my self with things and people that make me happy.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
My first REAL, modeling experience was in New York City January 11th of 2020. I got a callback from an agency I knew really nothing about. That day my best friend and I randomly decided to fly to New York. We booked the trip and later I arrived at the casting at Barbizon modeling and talent. At the casting we were told to walk across the runway say our name, age, and where were from, pose and then walk back. I did that once and then was given a script to recite a specific commercial. I was given the iconic covergirl commercial and as I recited that I was asked to leave the room and follow the head director of the agency. She asked me many questions many about where I was from, if I was in school, how important modeling was to me, how hard it would be for me to travel, ect. I was thrilled and really wanted to take the offer. However, I was not very knowledgable in the industry and I wasn’t ready to sign my name away to the first agency i came across. It was 1,000 to attend the school plus I would’ve been categorized as an exchange model traveling every two weeks back and forth from Wyoming to New York on my own. It seemed liked a dream come true but was expensive, sudden, and would’ve forced me to quit school and quit my soccer team mid season. The experience was incredible. Other than that I have done a tone of photoshoots with photographers in my home town. I’ve done lingerie shoots, filmed lingerie shoots, portfolios, shots with other girls, and regular creative photoshoots.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream would to be on the cover of a fashion magazine or featured in Vouge. Vogue magazines have a been a staple to my life sense I was 11. I used to cut out dresses, clothing, models and makeup from the magazines and tape new ones to my wall every month for inspirations. That is also what interested me fashion and my other dream of starting my own boutique. But, really I just want to travel the world and model and follow my passion and gain a platform that will help to inspire other women to follow their dreams. Coming from a small town it is very easy to let people be little you and your dreams and make them feel unattainable or silly. It is very hard to want something so much but have people continuously talk you down or try to talk down your success. My biggest dream would be to prove my self right and prove others wrong and allow others in small towns and anywhere, to believe that anything is attainable if you believe in yourself.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
I think being your own kind of beautiful means expressing yourself in any way that makes you feel your prettiest. As long as you like what youre wearing and the color of your hair and the way you do or don’t do youre makeup, than you are beautiful. I believe this because loving yourself is the most important attribute a woman can have. It changes the way a person acts towards themselves, acts towards others, and the way one just exists. Being beautiful is being kind to others even when they may have been unkind to you. Being beautiful is how you treat yourself and others. Being youre own kind of beautiful really just means that each day you’re confident in your own skin.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style is a lot of different things. I think if their was a name for it though it would be girly/ grunge. I like to wear a lot of blue jeans of different styles straight legged, wide legged, boot, boyfriend, baggy, ect. I usually like to pair those with a more exciting top thats cropped, has chains or a cute graphic. I love wearing skirts but tend to pair them with a grundgery boot or sneaker. I will wear color but i often stick to most neutral tones like black ,grey, white, tan, and brown. My style is trendy but usually has my own twist and try to try to wear the things that some find questionable. I really just love trying all styles and I never stick to a specific one I think its fun!!
Who or what inspires you?
First off, any model that has been through the hardships of modeling in anyway inspires me because the industry (all though is changing) is super tough and can very draining. I think one person who inspires me the most would be Hailey Beiber. She is known for her Insane outfits, her beauty, and her kindness and she seems like such a down to earth person and is such a successful model.
Secondly, any person who has the courage to be their most authentic self without care of what others think of them inspires me. It inspires me to see people follow their dreams and go after careers and passions that are more difficult, take longer, or are more abnormal. It inspires me to see more and more supportive woman.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling is to not feel defeated when you do not get accepted into you first, second, or even third agency. Also to not look at society and what they see as “Beautiful” to be the only standard. I hope anyone who is getting into modeling know they are pretty enough, their skin is clear enough, their teeth our straight enough, and their body is perfect and modeling is not about being “perfect” is an art form and most agency want authentic and different not “perfect”.
Keep trying, Keep taking photos and finding your confidence with in your self and you will succeed, I promise.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
The Obstacles that I have overcame in life are forgiving people who were not sorry. Wanting to model in such a small town has made a lot of people to believe me to be hot headed or overly confident, I lost friends but gained an understanding of believing in myself and being extremely independent. I lost people in my life when I started to do what made me happy and it was hard but taught me that no one you lose is a loss a real friend will want to support you in anything that makes you happy. I overcame a lot of anxiety by trying please every person that ever came into my life. I learned that you can never please everyone and not everyone will always agree with your decisions but knowing this lifted a lot of weight off my shoulders and aloud me to be happier. Failed relationships and friendships taught me how to keep working on myself for myself even when I felt like giving up and it gave me satisfaction in being my only fan and biggest supporter. I fell in love with myself which set the tone for everything else in my life.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I think what makes me beautiful is the advice i can give my friends and the hardships and experiences ive been through that have built me into who I am today. I also think my ability to love and how hard I love is very beautiful. I also think intelligence and my love for myself + the confidence I hold makes me beautiful.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I would tell this person that every single person is different. I would tell this person that the ocean and mountains are two completely different things that both still hold beauty. Id also tell this person that confidence is not “ I look better than him/her” but “ I look perfect handsome/ beautiful for me today, or every day”