Keynitra H.
Keynitra H.
Kansas, USA.
Age: 24
Waist: 38
Hips: 40
Height: 6'0
Weight: 190
Hair/ Eye color: Brown/ Brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
Hi, I’m Keynitra and I was born and raised in a little town by the name of Liberal, KS. Growing up I used to watch America’s next top model and I loved the photography and models on the show and wanted to do so growing up, but lacked the confidence to tell anyone I wanted to do so. I grew up playing sports instead and by the time I got into college, I made photography my major and decided art was the way to go for me since it came so natural to me. While I was studying photography I got into dance as well and tried out for the dance team and made it luckily. Through my time in college I learned that I’m in love with all art forms especially photography concepts within the shoot.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I don’t have much modeling experience except from teaching myself how to pose in front of the camera by doing my own self portraits and coming up with different art concepts and experimenting with them.
What is your biggest dream?
To inspire those around me wherever I go and to be an influencer in the modeling and photography world. I also want to show that no matter what you go through and where you are in life, you can always do better and achieve your dreams.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Honestly, you being you is what makes you beautiful. God made one you and it’s nothing like feeling beautiful in your own skin and loving your own flaws. Self love is the best love.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I have a variety of different styles depending on my mood. I can go from being classy to edgy or just plain sporty which I love about myself. I’m very versatile with my clothing. When I shop I grab whatever appeals to my eye and run with it.
Who or what inspires you?
The number one person that does inspire me is my father. He taught at a very young age that I can do anything I set my mind to. I know no matter what my father is always in my corner cheering me on and encouraging me to do my best. Another thing I take inspiration from is black art. I can look at any piece of art and get inspired by it and immediately go and create something.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
No matter what, be yourself and the right Agency will come to you. Never try to be someone you’re not and love yourself. Find out what type of modeling works best for you, there’s always room for improvement and learning about yourself and the industry.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Ever since I was 13 I have battled depression and anxiety. I say battle because I am a survivor , not a victim. Although it gets really tough to deal with at times I never give up on my dreams. I went to photography and makeup as a coping mechanism to deal with it all and it became very therapeutic for me. Art has helped shape me into the woman that I am today and I am so proud of how far I have come with my confidence in abilities and loving myself.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
What makes me beautiful is my personality and energy I bring when I walk into a room. Not only do I keep up with myself physically but I keep up with myself mentally so others can feed off such beautiful energy and spread that positive energy to others as well. Being beautiful isn’t always what’s on the outside, the inside is just as important as the outside.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I would say to get up and look yourself in the mirror and say 3 affirmations to yourself. Being beautiful is a mindset. Once you start to tell yourself that you’re beautiful Inside and out, you’ll start to believe it and look the part! After that treat yourself to the little things; shopping , getting your nails done, changing your hairstyle a little etc. those things will make you feel a lot better about yourself. Also, don’t look for anyone else’s validation on how you look and who you are as a person. Always stay true to yourself because the ones with the purest hearts flourish. As one of my favorite quotes says: “You were born an original, don’t die a copy.”