Isha J.

Isha J.

Age: 21

Waist: 25

Hips: 33

Bust: 30 

Height: 5’6

Weight: 106

Hair color: black 

Eye color: brown

Tell us about yourself:

I was born in west Africa Sierra Leone, I came to America when I was 8 or 9 years old, I’m now 21 years old. 

Tell us about your modeling experience: 

My modeling experience has not been easy, I wanted to give up so many times but some of the people I’m close to tell me to keep going and keep trying.It’s really hard being a modeling some people thinking modeling is all about taking pictures but it’s not it’s really more to it like for example, how you walk, what you eat, how you Carry yourself and so much more it’s not just about pictures. I have been modeling for 3 years now, I always dreamed about becoming a model but I never really knew where to start until in 2017 I auditioned for this local brand that was looking for models and they picked me, I remember I was so scared when they asked me to walk because I never walked in front of people before but the guy he said I’m a natural and I was made for this and that made me feel good. I did 2 fashion shows with them but then I moved to Virginia so I couldn’t continue to model for his brand. One thing about becoming a model is you can’t let rejection get to you, that’s something I had to learn. It don’t matter how many times you are told “ NO” keep going don’t stop there keep going and one day you are going to get that yes you’ve been looking for, NEVER give up on your dreams just have hope and remember that rejection is redirection. 

What is your biggest dream? 

My biggest dream is to become a very successful model so I can take care of me and all my family members, I have a lot of family members back home in my country that’s depending on me and my family and I want to make them very proud. Failure is not an option to me.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? 

I think that being your own kind of beautiful is being exactly who you are, loving yourself and your flaws unconditionally, doing what you love and not caring what anybody has to say about it, being your own kind of beautiful is being unapologetic. 

How would you describe your fashion style? 

I think I would describe my fashion style as simple, when I dress I don’t like to do too much I like simple stuff.

Who or what inspires you? 

The two people that inspire me to be a good model is Naomi Campbell and iman Mohamed. I look at their work and I just get so amazed like wow. one day I hope I get to meet them and they give me some tips and advice.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

My advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling would be. To never give up on your dreams you have to have hope, being a model is NOT easy, I remember when I wanted to give up modeling and a really good photographer that I worked with was telling me to take charge and knock on doors and make something happen. And that was the best advice I ever received because you can’t just sit around and expect things to be handed to you, you have to work hard for it put in all your effort, if that’s what you really want then you have to be focused and dedicated to it  never stop until you get to where you want to be. KEEP TRYING!

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you: 

The biggest obstacle I’ve overcome is being insecure, I’ve always been insecure about my looks people would tell me I’m beautiful and pretty but I never really felt beautiful I always thought I was ugly. my self esteem was really low and I was insecure about everything. I’m glad I learned how to love myself and put myself and my happiness first. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

I think my kindness and my heart makes me beautiful. Beauty is not about what’s on the outside it’s about what’s on the inside, is your heart pure? Do have good intentions?  You can be beautiful on the outside but if your heart is ugly then you are ugly. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence? 

One thing I would tell someone my age that is struggling with their confidence is, it’s ok I’ve been there before I know how you feel. First thing first everyday look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and tell yourself all the things you like about yourself, remember you don’t have to change yourself just so people can accept you, accept yourself and the right people will come to you. 

Hannah Noelle