Sarah Y.


Sarah Y.

Tennessee, USA.

Age: 28


Waist: 25

Hips: 35

Bust: 31

Height: 5’8

Weight: 115

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown/Brown

Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add).

My name is Sarah Yarbrough, I am 28 years old and I am from Jackson, Tennessee. I am a 10-year pageant competitor. I initially began pageantry to boost my confidence and to step into the modeling world. I was Miss Tennessee United States 2017 where I placed top 16 in the nation and I have competed in the Miss America Organization and the Miss Universe Organization. I was a competitive cheerleader for 20+ years, cheered at the collegiate level, worked for Universal Cheerleaders Association for 8 years as a staff member and I am an all-star and high school cheerleading coach. I graduated from Austin Peay State University with my associate degree in Liberal Arts and obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Tennessee at Martin in Communications with my focus being Public Relations. I love coffee and journaling!

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I have been modeling since I was 15 with Sterling Images Model & Talent. I have attended the Model & Talent Expo held by Mike Beaty, where I was a featured model in the fashion show and won the swimsuit competition. In 2017, I flew to New York and walked in NYFW for Katie Cakes Swimwear (the swimsuit designer for Victoria’s Secret), Juan Carlos Pinera and Lorena Loos. I was a part of the Varsity Spirit Fashions “Pink Out” centerfold in 2011. I modeled for Rachel Allan at AmericasMart in Atlanta, Georgia and Dallas Market Center for five years. I am the brand ambassador for the hair and cosmetics line, the Royal Hart Collection.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest modeling dream is to be a part of a major campaign for a big brand. Whether that be print, commercial or runway, that has always been my goal. My biggest personal dream is to achieve my dream and to become the best version of myself while inspiring others to do the same.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Accepting the things that make you, you. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style would best be described as comfy girly chic! I love a good jumpsuit, heels, sequins, skirts and dresses, but you can never go wrong with a chunky sweater, oversized sweatshirt, leggings and a pair of sneakers!

Who or what inspires you?

My mom inspires me. She is a wife, woman of God, a hard worker, selfless, trustworthy, so beautiful and smart. She is a super mom. I aspire to be as great as a mother as she is to my future children. Her work ethic and her relationship with Christ inspire me daily.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

It’s a journey and it doesn’t always happen overnight. It took me almost 10 years to sign to my first large agency. Just because you’re not right for one agency, doesn’t mean you’re not what another one is looking for! I’ve heard more no’s than yes’s, but it’s all been in God’s timing that my modeling career has finally begun to take off. Don’t change who you are or compromise your morals and standards. Don’t compare yourself to other people and their journey. There’s someone out there looking for someone who’s exactly like you!

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

From a young age, I’ve experienced bullying from my peers. This had a heavy negative effect on the way I saw myself. It became a major insecurity of mine. As I’ve gotten older, I love my body. I had to realize that I am fearfully and wonderfully made just the way that God made me to be and it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks about me.

I am a domestic violence survivor. Leaving that relationship helped begin and ignite a major shift in my life. This experience taught me that no one is exempt from anything in life. I always said, “I would never stay with someone who abused me.” It has been a process, but I’m more confident and comfortable with who I am. I found my strength and took back control of my life. Although it is a journey and it hasn’t been easy, I’m grateful to be able to tell my story and let myself shine for who I am. Sometimes you have to lose all you have to find out who you truly are.

After I lost my father in 2011, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. GAD can be very hindering and can hold you back from a lot. As I’ve been learning about myself daily, I have been learning how to deal with the things that make me anxious and overcoming those thoughts and feelings. Each time I overcome something that makes me anxious, it brings me joy.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

I believe that my heart is what makes me beautiful. I am a very loving, giving, understanding and welcoming person. I strive to be genuine and open with everyone that I meet.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. I know that this is easier said than done, but it’s possible to admire someone without being jealous and comparing what you have and what they have. Everyone’s journey is SO different. God has given us all different gifts and different paths that we go on. Everyone’s story is different, and you never know what someone is actually dealing with. Focus on being a better you, accepting your journey and know that there is someone out there who is inspired by you and your story. For example, I just obtained my bachelor’s degree at the age of 26. That will inspire someone to never give up on themselves and something that they want – regardless of the world’s standards. In today’s society, it’s hard not to want to be someone you’re not to be accepted and to imitate things you see on social media and reality tv. Remember – those things are a highlight reel and not necessarily the real things that they are dealing with.

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