Olivia T.

Olivia T.

Texas, USA

Age- 22




Height- 5’6”

Weight 125lbs

Tell us about yourself.

- My name is Olivia, I currently live in Texas and I love to travel! I have been all over the world and go to new places every month. Travelling and modelling is my passion, and I’m blessed to be able to incorporate both together

Tell us about your modeling experience.

I started in high school with my photographer friend, and fell in love with it then. I have been modeling for about 5 years, and seriously been into it for about 2. I have been published in multiple magazines, I have done runway shows, and a huge variety of concepts

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream-To be able to model and travel full time.

 What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

My own kind of beautiful to me means, no matter what society says-YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. All your flaws are non existent. Your worth comes from inside and how you perceive yourself

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style-Nothing too crazy. I have a variety of outfits to fit whatever mood or theme needed. I wear whatever I am feeling that day!

Who or what inspires you?

Who inspires me-My family, and Grace Auten. My family always pushes me to do great things and always gives such amazing support. Grace is a sweet, talented influencer and I hope to one day have the same content as she does. She is who inspired me the most to put myself out there

What have been your greatest accomplishments?

My greatest accomplishments-In the modeling sense, definitely being put in my magazines! My first time being published was amazing. It made me feel so happy and that I could really make it.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

Feeling like I wasn’t good enough. There were always models with prettier faces, better body’s, more followers etc. But you just have to learn to love yourself and where you are now. Happiness will follow from there.

What makes me beautiful-

My personality! My hair, my eyes.

What would you say to another girl your age who is struggling with their confidence? 

Struggling with confidence-YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND SPECIAL IN YOUR OWN WAY. Don’t compare yourself and feel bad if you see someone you think is better looking than you. There is always someone out there looking up to you and wanting to be where you are. Make yourself happy first and don’t worry about the opinions of others

SouthwestKristi Trelegan