Hanna M.

Hanna M.

Age: 18


Waist: 29

Hips: 39

Bust: 36

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 132

Hair/Eye Color: Dark brown/ brown 

Tell us about yourself

Hi! My name is Hanna M. and I am 18 years old. I would consider myself to be a very bold and outgoing person. I love taking risks and working hard to achieve my goals. While I consider myself a leader in many situations, I also enjoy coming together with a group of people and listening to their ideas to finish a project. I have an extremely strong work ethic and never give up no matter how difficult the situation at hand is for me. I have a passion for fashion and modeling which makes me a positive person to be around during a shoot, since I truly enjoy what I do. I would definitely consider myself  a people person, since I have a lot of confidence and love to meet new people. 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I have experience in print and runway modeling. I've walked two runway shows one for Baza Couture and another for Jay Taylor.  

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to become a full time print work model and be a full time model for Chanel and other successful clothing brands. I would also like to start my own photography and styling company on the side to peruse all my passions at once. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To be your own kind of beautiful means to stay true to your own roots and not conform with societies ideals of what beauty is. Also, to never change for anyone no matter what judgement they pass along to you. 

How would you describe your fashion style?

I would consider my style to be unique and cultured. I tend to pull my style from different parts of the world and I get most of my fashion ideas when I travel. I gravitate mostly to a European style since they can pull off comfort and still make it fashionable, and they create most of the trends the world follows. 

Who or what inspires you?

The person who inspires me the most is my dad who sadly passed away. I know he is always watching over me and expecting me to be the best I can be and that is why I always strive for more. He had a strong work ethic and encouraged me to be the same way and reach for every single one of my goals no matter how big they might seem. 

What have been your greatest accomplishments?

My greatest accomplishment is my ability to adapt to the many hardships that have been thrown at me. I always thrive and come out of my problems better than I was before. Also, my ability to turn people’s negative comments into my motivation to be successful and prove them wrong. I have also started multiple companies while in high school which have helped me learn my passion for business and fashion. 

Do you have any special talents? 

One special talent I have is my ability to connect with anyone I meet very quickly. My business and networking skills are another asset I have since it allows me to be professional in every setting and handle myself with confidence. On a more creative side another talent I have is I am very good at photography and I have a great fashion sense. I am able to quickly predict fashion trends in the industry and wear the outfits while I am out before they become a trend. 

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

One of the hardest obstacles I faced was losing my father to a car accident when I was in eighth grade. This truly made me the strong woman I am today because it taught me that not everyday is promised. I realized I needed to live everyday to the fullest and chase my dreams from a young age. I have also overcome the obstacle of breaking into the modeling industry. Many people doubted me and told me its too difficult to get into the industry and I needed to start at a younger age but can confidently say I was able to prove them all wrong. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

In my opinion what makes me beautiful is my personality and my big heart. I constantly put others before myself and always stay true to myself. My exotic look is just an added bonus. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

From a young age I constantly felt self conscious. After awhile I learned to turn those doubts into motivation. I know it can be hard to not compare yourself to others, especially with social media, but I promise the moment you find your own self worth and inner beauty you will feel a lot happier and more confident. 

Kristi Trelegan