Alissa H.

Alissa H.

Arizona, USA

Tell us about yourself.

I was born in southern CA, raised in central AZ, and went to college in northern AZ. Now I’m 29, trying

to figure out life in the PNW. So far, my life has largely been about art, music, architecture, modeling and

dance; all things I love and have been raised to practice and cherish. I love learning new things and

seeing new perspectives on life, and I am so grateful (and kind of in awe) that I’ve found a way to live a

life I love.

What is your biggest dream?

My BIGGEST dream is to design and build self-sustaining communities all over the world, but on more

of an individual level, I would love to just travel and make music. It would also be cool to be known for

my art, whether that’s modeling, acting, music, or design; recognition is always nice to receive.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Everyone is their own kind of beautiful, its just a matter of recognizing that beauty within yourself and

trusting yourself to make your own choices. Anyone can follow a trend or a make-up tutorial, but its up

to the individual to decide what really works for them, makes them feel good and makes them happy.

When you find your own happiness and are comfortable with yourself, your own kind of beauty radiates

from you effortlessly.

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I have been modeling since I was 14 and I have experience in all sorts of different types of modeling…

from hair shows, to promotional work and runway to print, I have at least a little bit of experience in it

all, I think. Recently I was in a music video, a watch commercial, and have walked in a few fashion shows

for local designers in & around Seattle, WA. I also have met a lot of creative photographers who I like to

work with occasionally, to make our own art work when we get the chance. Most of my experience is

from participating in art & fashion photography. I’ve walked runway for shows in Arizona, Washington,

& Los Angeles, CA.

What is your dream brand to model for?

Honestly, there are so many, I could not put one in front of another! To name a few, I’ve always

dreamed of modeling for Ralph Lauren, Dior, Victoria Secret, Burberry, Nike & Chanel or an edgy

magazine like Nylon, but some new favorites would have to be Moschino, Versace, Givenchy… then

again, I would also love to model for brands that are eco-friendly and focus on sustainability. I cannot

pick one, this is a really hard question!

How would you describe your fashion style?

Edgy casual. (Vague, I know.) I’m kind of a chameleon though, my style can change drastically

depending on the day and my mood… and the weather.

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

Self-awareness is pretty important because that’s how I keep myself focused, healthy, and headed in the

right direction. Its super important for me to really understand myself and my own motives, and I am

constantly checking in with myself asking, “Is this something that is really important to me?” Its so easy

to put yourself on auto pilot and that’s something I try to avoid. CONFIDENCE is everything. Even if

you’re not sure what you are doing, it’s important to have the confidence to be in that state, and to ask

questions without being embarrassed or ashamed. If you believe in yourself and why you are doing what

ever it is you are trying to do, that confidence assures the people around you that you are for real, and

will attract what you are looking for that much more.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

The fact that I believe in myself and am willing to do what it takes to chase my dreams is what makes me

beautiful, that and my imagination and creativity. I don’t think I’ll ever stop dreaming and creating

because, why would you?

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

The only person in the world who can truly give you real confidence is yourself. Absolutely anything is

possible, no matter what the circumstances are, you just have to start and keep going. It’s never too soon

or too late to do what you love, but you have to believe in yourself. You must do it for yourself and

KNOW that you want it. Never de-value what your heart knows you want. Let your confidence come

from your honesty and determination. BAM.

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