Jade L.
Jade L.
Oklahoma, USA
Tell us about yourself
- I am from Vinita, Oklahoma. I am 20 years old. I majored in marketing at Southeastern Oklahoma State University and am six classes away from completing my masters in business administration also focused on marketing! I work full time but also juggle modeling on the side! Ever since I was a young girl I have loved fashion and setting and maintaining trends. Modeling enables me to provide my unique way of promoting fashion and the current trends!
What is you biggest dream?
I will own my own marketing firm and Through that I want to make a huge impact in the marketing industry by improving the use of data analytics into the use services provided by marketing companies!
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
I find that being your own kind of beautiful means a person embraces who they are and all their flaws inside and out. When we learn to embrace ourself and everything we have to offer, true beauty shines in a way that unlasting physical beauty does not. Personality is a unique way to stand out in photos because in a sense it is another identification of ourselves!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I began in high school for a small clothing company. Within the last six months I have been offered mutli opportunities with over six different agencies! I have two photographers who do their best to work with me on various styles and genres of the modeling realm
What is your dream brand to model for?
I do not have a specific brand only that I am looking to model for but I would love to work with swimwear and fashion for sure!
How would you describe your fashion style?
I love classy professional. My entire wardrobe is filled with this style and I have always enjoyed the style especially for photos.
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
I believe these are key components to anyone who has goals in life whether big or small. Self awareness and confidence enables us to have the strength To make decisions, to understand that our value is not based on any one person’s view, but rather value is what we know of ourselves and what me make our value to be. Everyone has value but if you choose to not understand that and make decisions that take away from your true value then we only have ourselves to blame. Without self awareness and confidence in our daily lives, we let ourselves down. I feel it builds a positive and freeing lifestyle!
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I find that physical beauty is great, but what makes any person shine beautifully is their outlook on life and their personality which will outshine most beauty any day. Physical appearance is just one layer of beauty but what and how we choose to interact with life and other people truly defines beauty.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
When you are ever struggling to find worth always know that you are the only variable that can change your situation and outlook on life and on yourself. Opinions are great and constructive criticism are fantastic but when it comes down to it the only place a person’s confidence should come from is knowing your own worth. When you know how valuable you are as a person your confidence builds, whether it is personally or attributed to any skill or talents. If your confidence is low just begin to reflect and see where that low confidence began or in a sense locate its origins! Every person should have the confidence of a strong man/woman. Not in a cocky manner but in a way where people can see it in your expression and in the way you interact in life.