Natalie W.
Natalie W.
Ohio, USA.
Tell us about yourself.
I'm from Centerville Ohio, 30 years old. I’m originally from Centerville Ohio where I started my modeling career as a plus size model. I then moved to San Diego and lost over 100 pounds and became a model. I then began runway and print and later evolved into acting in commercials and movies. Now I hope to take my modeling and music career to the next level.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to be a top model and to be an artist who has won a Grammy Award.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
It means being your own person having your own style that makes you unique. I have an edge mixed with a super sexy look.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have been modeling since I was 18 I started as a plus size model in Ohio doing group shoots and boutique promotions. I then moved to San Diego and began my transformation to a straight model. 130 pounds lighter and feeling so much more like myself. I then began to do runway shows like bridal bizarre and even LA Fashion Week. I also had the opportunity to do acting across the San Diego area like small commercials, TV shows like TNTs The Last Ship. I even did small background parts in movies my biggest movie I got the privilege to be apart of is Captain Marvel.
What is your dream brand to model for?
Alexander McQueen
How would you describe your fashion style?
I like edgy street style and super sexy.
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
It's probably one of the most important because in order to be a person that is stable and loves themselves. It helps you be able to just be able to be around people and interact with others.
What makes you beautiful?
That I'm honest and I genuinely love others. I'm rough around the edges but have a heart full of love.
What would you say too another girl your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I would ask them what they didn't like and tell them well what's the natural way to make it better. If you feel heavy just work out drink more water but do it for YOU. Not anyone else make you happy.