Madison D.

Madison D.

New York, USA

Tell us about yourself

My name is Madison D , I am 16 years old and I am from Staten Island , New York . I am a kind, compassionate and have a charismatic soul . I love to donate time to various community service organizations when I can. These Organizations big or small have helped my personal growth in overcoming my learning disabilities. With the help of many influential individuals I am growing and evolving everyday with my condition of having epilepsy . Obstacles I have faced everyday are harder for me than most but I keep my smile because in the end it may take me longer to do something but I will get it done. I have had many titles in the pageant world , my most favorable is Miss Humanitarian top model , and being the life long Ambassador for Miss Special Staten Island.

What is your biggest dream?

To become a Dance Teacher for children with learning disabilities and to be free of seizures. Plus to inspire just one person where ever my life takes me ,even if it is just a smile. Possibly become a makeup artist for a big fashion influencer.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

You need to be secure in your own skin, we all have flaws, but to embrace your beauty from within. Confidence that is what makes me be my own kind of beautiful. - A pair of stretch pants , T-shirt and hair on my head kind of day...

Tell us about your modeling experience.

Modeling experience for me started out as fun in a competition type of world and lead to the world of pageantry. I was with others out their who told me I can do anything I set my heart on, and so it began. I modeled for private designers, local business and even small business just starting out. I have walked in NYFW for the past 4 years plus more for many designers, and gained a vast knowledge of experience from working with big models in the industry.

I have traveled and shot with some amazing photographers which has helped my personal growth .. I was told I would never be a real model since I'm not tall enough- but the world of modeling is endless anything is possible .

What is your dream brand to model for?

I would say a dream brand would be Guess, Steve Madden - I love shoes and Victoria Secrets but that isn't reality. I love Michael Kors so he is my ultimate favorite in brands of accessories.

How would you describe your fashion style?

Im a fashionista with a twist of old Hollywood glam at time. I love to be close to the trends but still be me . Mostly I love hoodies....

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

I have to be reminded everyday by my mom to be the best person I can be, and to not let the negativity get to me. To rise above anyone who is a bully and be the better person. I have had a lot of that to deal with, so for me self awareness is a constant motivator. Just when I give up and think I cant, she reminds me of how my actions will impact others. Never doubt what you want or not say how you feel . BE TRUE TO YOUR WORDS. once they drop you cant take them back.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

I have an old soul and a kindred spirit that just comes out when I smile. So my smile is a reflection of me Being beautiful. BEAUTY FADES-your inner beauty will always radiate like a smile.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

To embrace what god gave you and change what you don't like. Start with your best qualities, and work from their to the things you know you are not happy with. Go for your inner aspects you can enhance qualities like being kinder, having manners, and self respect. Do not try to be like anyone other than who god made you to be. DON’T try to fit in , but try to stand out ,focus on your struggles and turn them into successes. DON’T LET ANYONE tell you your not good enough or make you feel inferior for those that project those behaviors you should feel sorry for because they have struggles too.

NortheastKristi JNew York