Hannah Noelle Models

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Hadiya B.




Bust: 36

Height: 5’10

Weight: 156

Hair/Eye Color: Brown eyes, Blonde/Ginger

Tell us about yourself 

My name is Hadiya B.

I am 22 years old, born in small town called Carthage located in NC. I am pursuing my Bachelor’s in Psychology from WSSU a HBCU in NC. I am currently employed as a substitute teacher.  My hobbies consist of reading, listening to music, journaling, and doing my hair! Is that really a hobby or a necessity? 

Tell us about your modeling experience 

I’ve always wanted to get into it modeling from the time I was young but I took the athletic route instead. After watching my cousin break barriers and show me it was possible I started making friends with surrounding photographers and found myself doing random photo shoots consisting of a multitude of photography styles. 

What is your biggest dream ? 

My biggest dream is to immerse into modeling and become full time and flourish as an individual during the process. Not only that but I would love to use my platform to inspire people. 

Who or what inspires you?

My family inspires me to be the best I can be because for years they have scarified all they had and pushed me to keep moving forward no matter the obstacles. Without them I would have never stepped out of my comfort zone. 

What makes you beautiful? 

What makes me beautiful is my mindfulness. I feel like it’s what makes me special. It makes me aware and cognizant of people around me. 

What would you say to another girl struggling with confidence?

I would say regardless of the circumstances never compare yourself to anyone else because the world would be a real bland place if everyone was the same. Don’t look to social media for beauty standards because there are millions of people who are all beautiful and unique including you. 

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

One of my biggest obstacles was self confidence, I overcame that by acknowledging that without confidence I would hold myself back from a plethora of things. It changed me by showing how to convert my mindset to be able to always build myself up and pour into myself. 

How would you describe your fashion style ? 

Honestly, my style is all over the place it really just depends on how I’m feeling that day. Literally nothing about my closet makes sense.