Hannah Noelle Models

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Georgia P.


Waist: 24

Hips: 33

Bust: 27

Height: 5’0

Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/Green 

Tell us about yourself:

Hi my name is Georgia! I’m originally from Connecticut and have spent most of my life by the beach.  I moved to Chicago at 11 and then to Dallas when I was 16 and have been proud to call myself a Texan for 4 years. I am passionate about fitness and nutrition, and I am dedicated to pursuing a major in nursing. I just turned 19 and  currently attend Southern Methodist University where I’m a rising sophomore. My two great loves in life are my family and the beach, especially Florida and the Caribbean. I am also passionate about service work and helping my community whenever I can. 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I started and continue to work for a commercial print agency in Dallas called Sunshine Productions. However, I am so excited to branch out and work with Hannah Noelle. I am interested in breaking into swimsuit, jewelry, and fashion and am excited to see what the future holds for me. I am very open to unique experiences and opportunities that come my way. 

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream would be to be in Sports Illustrated. I think their emphasis on inclusivity and diversity in the models they choose is really nice to see as a petite model. Another dream of mine is to keep furthering my connections and grow my success in the industry. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To be your own kind of beautiful means looking in the mirror and loving yourself for what makes you uniquely you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you must first be the beholder to find contentment with who you are. Beauty shouldn’t have to fit a certain mold, it is so vast and diverse. Finding what makes you unique and embracing it is being your truest self and your own kind of beautiful. 

How would you describe your fashion style?

I love brands like O’neal, Aviator Nation, and Billabong. I have always loved being near the ocean and from this came my love for coastal fashion. Since I grew up on the East Coast, I always idolized Jackie-O and acquired a taste for Ralph Lauren and Lilly Pulitzer. While I love shopping and finding unique brands on Revolve, I also love shopping and supporting small businesses where I can find something unique and one of a kind. I have a love for history as well, so shopping for vintage clothing is something I love to do. In essence, my fashion taste consists of a multitude of styles, but I always try to stay on the classic end of things. 

Who or what inspires you?

I have always looked up to my Mom, she is my best friend and soulmate, and I couldn’t do life without her.  I so admire her tenacity and work ethic, and her ability to love us for who we are. My mom is so beautiful inside and out, and her ability to embrace her natural beauty is something so inspiring and sweet to me. She has been with me through thick and thin, and I love her more than she will ever know. In addition, I always idolized Marilyn Monroe growing up. Her ability to bridge fashion into film was inspiring, and  her self confidence and uniqueness was always something I admired. Marilyn’s beauty on the inside outweighed her beauty on the outside, which is so admirable. Marilyn’s ability to love herself and embrace her uniqueness allowed her to set herself apart from others, which I find very interesting and love about her to this day. 

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

My advice would be to be patient and don’t give up. It is a hard industry but you will find the right fit and absolutely love it! Perseverance is key to being successful and continuously putting yourself out there. I would also say forming meaningful relationships and respecting others' time is key to being successful in any industry. 

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

When I was very young I suffered some bullying which was pretty hard on my confidence. From a young age I also had to move 3 times, which helped in building my character, but was at the same time very hard on me. I think this difficulty instilled a hard working mentality and made me the person I am today. Moving has taught me to lead with my heart and that kindness and the strength of your character matter above all else. My Great Grandfather always told me to be true to myself, and I think I am just now realizing how important being true to yourself is. Enduring hardship and moving three times ultimately helped me realize that what matters most to me in my life is leading with purpose and spending time with those who matter most. We only have so much time and we should spend it doing what we love and surrounded by the people we love.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

What makes me beautiful is my ability to love and care so deeply for others. It is my greatest strength and asset. I believe beauty on the inside is imperative for beauty overall. Doing service for others really strengthens my beauty inside and out, because I am always happier after I have helped someone in need.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

As someone who suffered through bullying when I was younger I know how others can really destroy your confidence. However, to be confident you have to find it within yourself and remind yourself that the only opinion that truly matters is your own. If you find love for yourself the way someone else would, and realize how powerful your unique beauty is, you have found your confidence and yourself. God made us all different for a reason, and that is because we are all uniquely beautiful.