Hannah Noelle Models

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Noemi F.


Waist: 25 in

Hips: 36 in

Bust: 33 in

Height: 5’2

Weight: 114

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Tell us about yourself

My name is Noemi, I am Puerto Rican and Dominican, raised in northern NJ. I have been a Veterinary Technician for about 10 years, I am graduating human Nursing school soon. With that said, I love medicine, and I love helping those who are in need. I served in the U.S. Army National Guard for 9 years. I am a mother of one boy and I speak English and Spanish.

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I have been modeling on and off for over 7 years in between my studies. I mostly did some modeling with local photographers and friends who wanted to build a portfolio. After getting some exposure I even started getting paid for small modeling jobs. I felt confident and happy in front of the camera. I love making photographers ideas come to life. The vision truly is an art. 

What is your biggest dream?

To make an impact doing something I love.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

I think being your own kind of beautiful means embracing your differences and celebrating your unique qualities. It means accepting and loving yourself without validation from others and recognizing that beauty comes in many different forms. 

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style varies depending on my mood or the day! I like to keep up on current trends but I also like to feel comfortable. Generally I feel like I lean towards street wear style but I always say you can never be over dressed or over educated!

Who or what inspires you?

My mother inspires me. She has always been a hard working woman with a heart of gold. I think a lot of my drive and determination comes from her. My son also inspires me every day to be a better version of myself for him.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

I would maybe suggest they start off finding local photographers who are looking to build a portfolio like they are. They can help each other. The more photo shoots you do for fun the more content you have to build an impressive portfolio and the more exposure you get. Also networking and making connections is always a good idea. I suggest finding your specific style or preference in modeling and then looking for an agency that specializes in that area and submit your photos to those modeling agencies if that is something you are interested in. Always be professional and polite (treat people the way you want to be treated) and don’t give up.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

I have gone through many obstacles in life and the main thing my obstacles have taught me is that I have a strength within me that I never knew I had, determination stronger than I ever knew I had, and faith stronger than I ever knew I had. I’ve learned I can do anything I set my mind to. My obstacles have also taught me to love and cherish the people closest to me. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

I think my empathy makes me beautiful. I have the uncanny ability to put myself in anyone’s shoes and see what they see and feel what they feel. I’m very aware of how the people around me feel and how I make people feel. I truly only ever want to leave people better and happier than when I met them. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I would say it’s okay not to feel confident all the time. Most people don’t. Sometimes it’s a fake it till you make it journey that takes time and effort. Remember, you are beautifully and intricately woven into the person that you are. Your differences are a gift. Secondly, don’t care too much about what others think of you. The only thing that matters is how you treat people, because that is a reflection of you. Replace the negative thoughts in your head with positive thoughts because your brain believes everything you say to it.