Nicole B.
Age: 17
Waist: 27
Hips: 38
Bust: 34
Height: 5’7
Weight: 140
Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Hazel Green
Tell us about yourself
I was born and raised in New Jersey until the age of 15. My family and I then moved to South Carolina where i’m living out the rest of my high-school years now at 17. I come from a Puerto Rican and Honduran family who has taught me to be proud of my roots and to be authenticity me.
Tell us about your modeling experience:
I recently started my pursuit for modeling earlier this year in February with my mother agency, DeAbreu Modeling. During May this year, they produced a showcase in front of agency’s where I won model of the year. Shortly after, I participated in Columbia Fashion Week here in SC where I got the opportunity to walk for multiple designers. The feeling is unmatched and something I could never get tired of.
What is your biggest dream?:
My biggest goal and dream is to become an official Sports Illustrated model.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?:
Expressing yourself and who you are without shame or fear of not being accepted. As well as treating everyone as equals and being humble no matter status.
How would you describe your fashion style?:
My style is colorful, alluring, and always needs a pair of gold hoops.
Who or what inspires you?:
My mom has always been my biggest inspiration. She gave me the push I needed to start my modeling career and has always stayed true to herself. I take inspiration from her confidence and hard work ethic.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?:
I would say don’t compare your look to others. There will be people who think you’re stunning and others who won’t think you’re the look they want. That doesn’t diminish your beauty or worth.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you:
My biggest struggle was learning to accept myself the way I am. Comparing myself to others was a self loathing journey that made me miserable. Overcoming it and finding beauty within myself has led me to chase after the things I want without self doubt and with confidence.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?:
I believe my beauty is the way I treat those around me. If I only put out rudeness and negativity it will make me ugly. If I show respect and kindness that makes me a beautiful.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Focus on all you love about yourself rather than what you want to change. Tell yourself you’re grateful for those things you love.