Madeline J.
Waist: 26”
Hips: 33”
Bust: 32”
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 113
Hair: Blonde
Eye Color: Green/Brown
Tell us about yourself
My name is Madeline J., I’m 20 years old, and I’m from the 404 — Atlanta, baby! I am a third-year fashion merchandising student , and have an emphasis in product development and design. Go dawgs!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
Before signing with Hannah Noelle, I modeled regularly for my close friend’s online boutique, Luvher Boy (@luvherboyofficial). I also work independently, using my photography skills, to build my portfolio myself in order to start a modeling career!
What is your biggest dream?
Ever since I was 6 years old, I’ve wanted to be a personal stylist. I have to thank the influence of the video game, “Style Savvy” on the Nintendo DS for that dream. I just think the way we present ourselves and choose to dress says so much about our character. With so many varieties of fashion, styling is something I’ll never get bored of. There are always new ideas coming in and I’m constantly engaging with the dynamism of the industry.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be your own kind of beautiful is to embrace every fiber of your being, inside and out. The uniqueness in your beauty is found by getting to know yourself intimately, digging into every good and bad corner, and unconditionally loving each part of it. And yes, it is absolutely uncomfortable to meet ourselves that way. However, making peace with yourself, your quirks, and all the silly things that make you you unlocks a new dimension of confidence and contentment that you get to call your own. Nobody can take that away from you!
How would you describe your fashion style?
Studying fashion has truly evolved my taste in style, and it’s been really cool to see how I’ve grown in that department since starting college. Right now, I am obsessed with Bella Hadid’s style. She embodies a spectrum of style tribes, from street chic to timeless vintage, and so many more. I think a lot of people on the internet are caught up in executing an “aesthetic” in fashion instead of dressing in a variety of ways, or even the way they truly want to. I blur the lines when I dress, you should too!
Who or what inspires you?
My mother. Easily. Nobody inspires me more than my mom, who raised five children, and every day I am flooded with gratitude for all the things she’s sacrificed to be the best mom in the entire world. Her resilience through her strife has made her my number one role model, and I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without my mama.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
I would say, “Seriously, just do it. What’s the worst that could happen?” What I see far too often among my peers is people telling themselves no before somebody else does just to spare themselves the humiliation and hurt of rejection. Why does being told “no” have to be so bad? What’s meant for you isn’t going to pass you, so go out on a limb and go for it! At the end of the day, you can at least be proud of yourself for trying and escaping your comfort zone. You got this!
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
The biggest obstacle I’ve ever faced has to be the recent death of my father. It hasn’t even been half a year since he passed, but my outlook on things has totally been reworked. I had someone so precious taken away from me so soon, too soon, and every moment matters to me now. I ask more questions, I say “yes” to things more often, and I live with so much intention. I’ve learned that the “wrong time” doesn’t exist, and I’ve pursued things I wouldn’t have dared to before. That’s the main reason why I’m with Hannah Noelle!
What makes you beautiful?
I think of myself so beautifully and there are so many ways I could answer this question, but I think my spirit is what makes me shine. I have so much enthusiasm and a hunger for life and the opportunities ahead of me, and my optimism is unmatched. I think my resilience is beautiful too. It takes a lot to knock me down, and I still get back up every time ready for my next challenge. I’m beautiful because I’m unstoppable.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
A lot of people will tell you to fake it until you make it, and that works short-term, but the real key to confidence is detachment. I think our generation struggles so much with our self-esteem because we are exposed to so much media, and ultimately compare ourselves to the people we see. We put too much value into what others think of us, and if we remove ourselves from the perception of other people, we can live much more authentically. Confidence is a product of authenticity!