Marialex V.
Waist: 23in
Hips: 34in
Bust: 32in
Height: 5’2
Weight: 95lbs
Hair/Eye Color: green/hazel
Tell us about yourself
My name is Marialex and I'm 20 years old. I was born into a military family, meaning I had the privilege to travel and experience many different cultures and lifestyles around the world. Growing up this way has made me more inclined to travel and dip my toes into different opportunities that explore myself. I'm a social butterfly that loves making friends and connections. I see myself as a chameleon with the ability to adapt to any surroundings. Growing up I have always wanted to be involved in the fashion and marketing industry, whether that be modeling or getting into fashion design. While this is my passion I am currently working towards my yoga and esthetician license.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have been a freelance model for about a year and a half now. I have connected with many photographers around Florida for collaborations. I have done all different types of shoots, from nude to rustic and simple. As of now I am working to build my portfolio with a couple different photographers, wanting to get into shooting high end, upscale, or perfume like projects. I also will be working with a tequila company to be featured in a promotional shoot coming soon.
What is your biggest dream?
While it is cliche to say my dream is to be a model considering its what I’m writing for but its the truth. Since I was a young girl I always saw myself campaigning for high end brands or to even be on the runway. While my height has held me back most of my life I am finally deciding to leap into my dream. I wish through this opportunity I will be able to travel the world which would allow me to be able to do two things I love. My childhood has made me inclined and in love with the idea of travel and exploration. I never want to be stuck in one place. I feel in this industry I would be able to compact all my life goals into one.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
The wonderful thing about our social culture today is that being yourself and being genuine is what people look for most now. I have always believed that everyone is beautiful because there is no one who is meant to look the way you do. We are made unique to showcase the different qualities and people in the world. Now, with being so inclusive it is really allowing others to recognize the beauty in ourselves. Being our own kind of beautiful is just being comfortable in your own skin, believing that you are beautiful, worthy, and even what some people strive to look like. Its realizing beauty does not come from what others think or say but it stems from yourself.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style I would say is not confined to one trend or look. I love to dabble in different aesthetics I find. I love the simplistic, fun new york style, street style, blazers, fashionable boots, fun accessories, cool dresses, and am in love with the European fashion sense. I love to wear anything that stands out or even unorthodox, things that turn heads. Since I live in Florida I feel as if my wardrobe consists mostly of bathing suits as well. I am still on the hunt for my fashion style though, i don't want to limit myself but continue to explore all different styles and looks of different cultures and regions.
Who or what inspires you?
I would say my mom has inspired me most, as an immigrant she had to come to the states and recreate a life for herself. She has always been strong and even though set back pursued her dreams and continues to push herself. She helped me understand what it means to fight and work for something you want and or believe in. With technology and social media I feel inspired by those I see online as well. While social media is not all what it seems, I'm proud of all the individuals using these platforms to better themselves and their lives.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
As someone who is also in the early stages of modeling, I say to be patient and believe in yourself. Self confidence is key in this industry as well as understanding that while you have potential it may take a while for the world to recognize it. Never put yourself down from what others say and think and always have a good attitude. I am a firm believer in what you put out in the world, is what you will receive.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
A few years ago I made a decision to go out on my own. I wanted to seperate from my family for a while to be able to find myself and live freely. While it was nerve racking and difficult to start from scratch it gave me many skills. I learnt to adapt, the meaning of responsibility, and hard work. I feel like this was my best decision because while it’s sometimes difficult I know that I can accomplish and grow in anything I challenge myself with.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I would say my personality is number one. I always try to have a positive outlook on life and live kindly. I have experienced so much in life even at a young age that has taught me to appreciate the world around you and that being unkind or negative only holds you back.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Confidence is tricky because it typically isnt based on just yourself. Our community, self criticism, societal norms, all these things play a crutial role in how we see ourselves. The trick to becoming confident is to throw the things we know well out the window. The reason I have confidence is not solely from standing in the mirror and repeating how great I am, but also blocking out the negativity that holds you down. Confidence and self beauty is what you make of it. What makes you comfortable? What makes you feel beautiful? Its about becoming secure in yourself and realizing that even if something you do is not what is normal it doesnt mean you arent beautiful, girl or guy. I feel that the thing that holds us back the most from our self confidence is the constant comparing and bargaining. In this world there are so many things and people that could hold you back and make you question yourself, but the key is to remember that you are the main character in your own story.