Sophia L.
Tell us about yourself
Many miles away from the place I now call home, there used to be a little girl. A little girl whose
creativity was constrained by her small town on Long Island. Her love for fashion started when
she was very young, tearing apart her mother’s closet to find just the right shoes that would
match with her pink princess dress... the shoes were always too big. Like a model, she runway
walked down her quiet street to the bus stop every morning, it was so routine. The little girl grew
older and was no longer a little girl, just a girl, a girl who had to figure out what she wanted to do
with her life. Her love for fashion laid dormant inside of her as she felt like there was no use for
it at this point in time. When she headed to college her true potential was unlocked. Surrounded
by motivated individuals, she pursued her dreams of modeling and involvement in the fashion
Tell us about your modeling experience.
Being in front of a camera was my forte from a young age. I’ve done a few shoots growing up, but I’ve
never had the opportunity of signing with a modeling agency until HNM. I’m now 19 years old and
beyond eager to get started and build up my portfolio.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to be involved in the fashion industry from all corners. Understanding how models,
designers, event planners, etc work together to create masterpieces, is crucial for success in the industry.
I’m on my way to achieving this goal as a marketing major and fashion minor at Northeastern
University. Gaining more experience in all areas and speaking with educated professionals is one of my
short term goals to turn this dream into a reality.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
The qualities that make you different from others will forever be your biggest asset. Nobody can ever be
you which is why you should always embrace the qualities or features that set you apart from others.
How would you describe your fashion style?
Day to day, I would consider my style minimalistic and y2k. Lots of neutrals and low rise. That being
said, I love to mix colors into certain outfits; especially if it’s a statement outfit. Statement earrings,
statement shoes, or even statement dresses excite me. Dressing up for events is one of my favorite
activities and I love sharing my outfit creations on social media.
Who or what inspires you?
Personal experiences from studying fashion in Paris this past summer is where most of my inspiration
comes from. Specifically, a day at the Dior Gallerie. Picture this: a young 18 year old girl stumbling
upon a never-ending hallway of Christian Dior’s best designs. Behind the physical garment stands a
screen, a screen with a recording of the model walking the runway in that particular garment. This is a
moment that I’ll never forget as it taught me a model’s job, which is to bring the designs to life. I will
forever be inspired to bring each and every garment to life and convey its story.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Your biggest asset is your confidence. Whether you are applying to agencies, or doing your first shoot,
act like you’ve been doing it for years. Experience only means so much to a client/agency. Experience
without confidence is just experience, it holds no value.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
This past year was filled with personal growth. Although there were some toxic people in my life, they
helped me learn what I value in a person. Letting go of the people who didn’t treat me right became easy
this year. I’m by far the most confident version of myself I’ve ever been and I’m ready to share that with
the world.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
Beauty comes from within. Being kind to everyone and staying humble no matter how high I get
accentuates my physical beauty.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Mindset is everything. Don’t let failure kill your confidence, it's part of life; always use failure as
motivation. YOU are beautiful and have so much to offer. Believe it.