Annabelle O.
Age: 18
Waist: 22
Hips: 32
Bust: 29
Height: 5’6
Weight: 98lbs
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/ Brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add).
Tell us about your modeling experience. Hi My name is Annabelle O’Keefe and I’m from Alexandria, VA. I am 18 years old and just graduated high school and excited to start college.
What is your biggest dream?
I don’t have a biggest dream because my dreams change depending on where I am at in my life. I currently dream that I can be happy in whatever I do in life and that I can inspire other people. I would love to be in Vogue one day!
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To me to be your own kind of beautiful means to accept and love what has been given to you, not just on the outside but also on the inside.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my fashion style as classy, casual, and trending.
Who or what inspires you?
My mom inspires me. She is the most hardworking person I know and gives so much love to her family. She makes everyone around her happy.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My biggest advice to someone who is just getting started modeling would be to work hard and don’t give up. Every agency and photographer are different and are looking for a different look. Don’t be discouraged if you get rejected because even the most famous models in the world have gotten rejected also.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
An obstacle I have overcame in my life was dealing with extreme acne. I had really bad acne about two years ago that completely took away my confidence. Dealing with extreme acne made me very passionate about skincare and health. I still struggle with it sometimes but it taught me a lot. I learned to find my confidence from not just the outside but the inside too. A pimple shouldn’t affect how my day is.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
What makes me beautiful is my heart and how caring I am.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
To another person struggling with their confidence I would tell them to talk to themselves just like how they would talk to someone they love. At the end of the day you only have yourself and you have to be your biggest supporter.