Christina V.
Waist: 27
Hips: 40
Bust: 32 C
Height: 5’5
Weight: 145
Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown/Brown
Tell us about yourself I was born in Portsmouth, Virginia raised partly there and continued in Chesapeake, Virginia. I have a younger brother who’s 25; he’s my heart and headache. In high school I was a cheerleader (junior varsity then varsity) and in college joined dance theater; love them both and miss them so. My alumni is Norfolk State University, obtained a B.S. in Exercise Science minor in Kinesiology; that I’m clearly not using ha. Currently a flight attendant for a major airline; it’s not for everyone and requires more than what people perceive.
Tell us about your modeling experience. I started some years ago in a modeling group based in Atlanta, GA; strictly a hobby. I tried every niche to get an idea which one I liked and would be good at. Applied to countless talent, casting, and modeling agencies over the years; been a freelance model until now. Being freelance taught me a lot definitely made me more comfortable networking (on & off line) and thinking steps ahead. In 2021 I made the mental shift to start taking modeling seriously and make a business. Since then I’ve been more intentional with shooting and getting my portfolio together properly. Finally able to narrow my niches to three categories: commercial/lifestyle, promotional, and beauty; they could change as time goes on.
What is your biggest dream? In modeling, to work with Bare Minerals, Chanel, Manolo Blahnik…. To be apart of various commercials even one to air during SuperBowl, see my face on a print ad in Times Square, Cosmopolitan, and in Sephora. To show other ladies with Multiple Sclerosis we are truly more than our disease and when we put our minds to something, work really hard, so many amazing things can happen. In life overall, to be happy, healthy, and successful.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? To me it means embracing who you are, not allowing other peoples opinion to dictate your own thoughts and feelings towards yourself. It means to learn to truly love yourself so you can give love to other people… acknowledging those bad days and not beating yourself up about it and able to focus your energy and attention on the things you’re grateful for and what makes you happy.
How would you describe your fashion style? My style is various on my mood honestly. I prefer comfort over anything. To narrow it down, very casual/smart casual, hints of chic and street style.
Who or what inspires you? The various women I’ve met in MS (Multiple Sclerosis) journey who are truly resilient, brave, and give me hope that I can still have the life I’ve always wanted as a child. That having this disease doesn’t dictate my life; not confined in a small bubble and can only do a certain amount of things. Every person’s story is different, every person‘s symptoms are different, but we all think and feel the same: I’ll be damned if I let this take over my life and not live it the best I can. T
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling? Figure out your “why?” because that’s going to get you through the times when no one is calling you back. Will you still want this if for 6 months you are not getting paid? Learn not to take rejection personal: it’s a blessing in the redirection, research the types of modeling, see which ones are in your market/area, connect with photographers in your area, write down your realistic goals, test shoot, practice posing, and have fun with it! “Why so serious?”
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you. The biggest one was moving to California during the pandemic, battling depression and anxiety (I think everyone was), and accommodating a autoimmune disease solo. That the toughest years for me and if it wasn’t for my parents, therapy, other MS Warriors, and good samaritans that extend an olive branch…I don’t know what I’ve would’ve done. It has given tougher skin, allowed me to put myself out there more, and being more grateful for what I have. Sometimes we loose sight of that
What makes you beautiful/handsome? What makes me beautiful is, my heart as cliché as that might sound ha. I care so deeply about those important people in my life. When I’ve given to others they neglect it, it added barriers sure, learning to let them down and embrace love and joy. It’s one the greatest feelings.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence? ….other people opinions are based on their own insecurities it is never about you only a reflect of them. Forget them, be your weird or coy self and continue making yourself happy. It’s challenging some days I can relate…start small, find one external or internal thing you like about yourself and own it. Soon that like turns into love and will continue to blossom. Give yourself a complement everyday when you wake up and carry that with you all day long. You’ll be amazed how it starts to change your mood and perspective.