Kylie S.


Kylie S.

Maryland, USA.

Age: 27

Waist: 29

Hips: 34

Bust: 36

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 135

Hair Color: brown

Eye color: brown

Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)

I am a proud graduate of Virginia Tech where I received my Bachelor of Science degree. I am now working as a Civil Engineer, focusing in Traffic, in Maryland. Outside of my career, I am a Cheerleader of a professional Major Arena Soccer League. In my free time, I am a part of a professional Civil Engineering Association, I coach gymnastics, I enjoy going to wineries, and I love visiting Disney World, particularly Epcot!

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I started modeling in 2018 with multiple Trade for Print collaborations. Since then, I have had several paid opportunities, but have mostly focused on improving my own confidence and best self in front of the camera! I am always looking to be better.

What is your biggest dream?

My absolute biggest dream is to be a NFL Cheerleader.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Embracing my own kind of beautiful means knowing that I am imperfect, and nobody expects perfection out of me and I need to expect the same of myself. Being beautiful means radiating who you truly are, being kind to yourself and to others, and being the one to uplift others.

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style would be labeled as casual but chic. My favorite item of clothing is definitely sweatpants! But I love wearing anything comfortable that can be worn to work, out shopping, around town, or out to dinner.

Who or what inspires you?

Other women inspire me, specifically my dance coach. I love seeing women who are beautiful, full of confidence, hyping other women up, healthy, and happy. My coach has really brought out the confidence in me the past several years and I cannot thank her enough for it.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

You are BEAUTIFUL! You may be filled with self-doubt, and you might feel uncomfortable in front of the camera sometimes, but know that your beauty should be captured.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

Being told "no" is one of the hardest things to overcome. I have gone to so many dance auditions where I was told "no" to the point where I really doubted my dance talent at all and almost gave it up altogether. This was 10 years ago now! Imagine if I had stopped and wouldn't have had the absolutely incredible memories and friends that I have made. I think the best thing that I did was surround myself with a support circle, including my closest friends, people in the dance industry, and especially my mom. These people told me that yes, I can do it and I enjoy doing it, and I can't let a few people tell me no stop me from continuing. By continuing on, I was able to dance all throughout college and have continued on the Cheer team that I am on now.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

I want to be a bright light in other people's lives and I strive for this every day. I try to be the girl that people can go to when they need to vent, need someone to listen to them, need someone to understand and say "I hear you." I appreciate those people in my life immensely and always want to do the same for others, and I think that is pretty special.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I feel you! Struggling with self-confidence is an issue I have been battling since middle school. It is so easy to focus on all the things we have done wrong in our life or that we are disappointed in, instead of highlighting all of the incredible things that we do. Keeping a journal of the things you are proud of, or writing sticky note reminders of the good things that happened throughout your day, can be so powerful and remind you of why you are truly awesome.

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