Kayla W.


Kayla W.

Age: 15

Waist: 25 1/2

Hips: 34

Bust: 34

Height: 5 5

Weight: 115

Hair/Eye Color: dark brown/ dark green

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Kayla and I am 15. I grew up on the beaches of the sunshine state. I love going on long drives and listening to music the whole trip. Drawing or painting on a cool day looking out on a beautiful view is my paradise. I consider myself an old soul. I enjoy the little things like sunrises and love talking about the deeper meaning of things. I enjoy listening to music and seem to change from artists like Billie Ellish one day and Machine Gun Kelly the next! I love photography and looking at art but also love being in front of the camera posing and making art through modeling. I also love to meditate after a long, busy day.

Tell us about your modeling experience.

I have always loved taking photos for Instagram and dressing up for them. I got invited to do a photo shoot with Studio 1 and that was my first real professional shoot. I have taken photos before for my friends clothing businesses but being able to go in and get styled and being in front of the big lights just made me feel amazing. It’s like the little girl inside me who used to walk around in my mom’s big heels couldn’t stop smiling.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to be able to live off of modeling and be on magazine covers. Not only for looks but to inspire little girls. Growing up I saw models on magazines and looked up to them so highly. I would cut their pictures out and put them in my journal and write about how amazing they were. I want to give little girls who grow up dreaming to model the same feeling. But I also want them to feel no matter what walk of life they come from or no matter their dress size they can do it! I grew up with my cousins and one of my cousin’s friends were Olivia and Abby Ponton. Seeing how they became so big coming from a small town doing what they love is amazing! It makes me feel like one day I could be posing on the cover of Vogue.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Being your own kind of beautiful doesn’t start with what’s on the outside. It’s what is on the inside. Cheesy but true. You could be in the most boring, tacky outfit but if you wear it with confidence and a smile you could make the whole rooms jaws drop. So it’s all about confidence which starts with loving and finding yourself. Love yourself and you will find love from every aspect of life.

How would you describe your fashion style?

My style really depends on what era I am crushing on that day. I could be very modern with neutral colors one day. The next I might be wearing mom jeans with a sweater vest! I draw a lot of inspiration from an influencer named Mia Hayward. I love her simple yet chic style.

Who or what inspires you?

The person who inspires me most is Colson Baker. He grew up having to use bowls of water to shower sleeping on a twin bed and now he owns a house in LA. Seeing his struggle and hard work really pushes me. He is really proof that hard work can get you anywhere. He is also a dreamer which is what everyone I believe should at least have the mindset of. If you can dream it you can work towards it and achieve it!

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

Be very patient! I started submitting my headshots in July 2020 and waited for months just to hear back from one out ten agencies! Also don’t be discouraged. If you see models with perfect body figures and clear skin don’t let it bring you down. Focus on you and what makes you beautiful! I used to be insecure about my freckles and height but now I embrace it. Remember your beautiful no matter what anyone says.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

One huge and impactful obstacle in my life was a manipulative friendship I was in for 7 years. I used to buy my clothes myself in 2nd grade and wear what I wanted. I didn’t have problems with it until I got to 5th grade and my “friend” would start to bring me down because of it. I started to straighten my natural curly hair. Started doing a full face of makeup at 11. It wasn’t me. I started to feel myself blending in. I became more scared to do things like wear a bright colored sweatshirt. Which seems silly now but I was worried she would say something. Finally 2 months before Covid hit I started to speak out and call her out for bullying and picking on people. After, I felt amazing and found better friends who would support me and not bring me down. I look back and wish I didn’t waste my childhood years being controlled. On the other side, I’m so glad and hopeful for the future and expressing myself as life goes on.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

What makes me beautiful are my flaws. I might have freckles big and small all over but that’s what makes me unique. Maybe I have small hips but I’m ok with that. I love my look and I’m glad I’m not like anyone else.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I would say don’t hold yourself to such a high standard. This age is confusing and hard to figure out. But don’t freak out over things like a little pimple on your chin or how your mascara is clumpy. In a year the only thing you will remember is memories. So all you can do is keep your head high and live you life. Don’t listen to people or what they have to say because everyone talks. Not everyone is going to like you no matter how hard you try. So just remember that you’re amazing and if nobody had told you today I love you and am proud of you!

Hannah Noelle