Hannah Noelle Models

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Maggie J.

Age: 15


Waist: 32

Hips: 33

Bust: 34

Height: 5’2

Weight: 105 lb

Hair/Eye Color: Light brown/ Blue

Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)

Hi everyone! My name is Maggie; I am 15 years old, I go by she/her, and I’m a high school senior from the beautiful paradise of Florida. In addition to being a high school senior, I’m a full-time student at the State College of Florida, graduating with my Associate of Arts degree this May. As a passionate advocate for the environment, I’m committed to Florida Polytechnic (@flpoly) as an Environmental Engineering major. Besides Environmental Engineering and advocacy, I love writing of all kinds and types--creative, academic, journalist, poetry, novels, you name it, I write it--as well as learning more about graphic design and coding. When I’m not busy studying or writing short stories and poetry, I enjoy volunteering; photographing the natural beauty of everyday life; expanding my knowledge; tutoring my peers in reading, writing, and college admissions; and hanging out with my two llamas, Gold Rush and Chewy. I also am a travel addict! While I haven’t been out of the USA yet, I look forward to being able to travel again once the pandemic is less severe. Overall, though, everything I do is informed by my mission to make the world a better place.

Tell us about your modeling experience.

A lot of my journey in the industry has been about right timing. I’d met with various agencies and coaches by chance for several years, but in —— the stars aligned to help me start my journey as a Barbizon student. After graduating from the program, I kept going to auditions, open calls, and other events to find the next “right” step for me. Now, as I get ready to take a gap year after I graduate high school in May, the stars aligned for me again, bringing me back into the modeling world and beyond. I have a lot of experience with being both behind and in front of my own camera, but I’m so excited to take that next step as a Hannah Noelle model.

What is your biggest dream?

One of my biggest dreams is to travel the entire world. I got the travel bug from my mom when she would take me and our dogs on trips to New York, Missouri, and other places as often as possible. As I got older, I satisfied that desire with small trips around the Southeastern US. One day, I dream of being able to see even more of the world—meet new people from different cultures, try new foods and activities, and experience all of the amazing things our world has to offer.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To me, being your own kind of beautiful means embracing every part of you and realizing how it makes you unique and amazing.

How would you describe your fashion style?

I would describe my style as very versatile! Whether I go fancy and glam, cute casual, sporty, professional, or any other style entirely depends on my mood for the day. I love to switch it up!

Who or what inspires you?

What inspires me are the kind strangers you meet on the street once in a while. Every time I see someone help a turtle out of the road, or go up to someone who looks lonely, or any other of the small random acts of kindness, I’m rocked by the personal knowledge of how much that one little act can mean to someone. Those people, who bring joy in their daily lives without even knowing it, inspire me to see the world as the beautiful and bright place it is, and keep going.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

My advice to someone who is just getting started is constantly remind yourself of all the things you love about you. Everyone is at their best when they’re happy and love themselves, so never let yourself forget exactly what makes you the amazing, unique, beautiful/handsome person you are.
Another important piece of advice I’d give someone who is just getting started in modeling is keep trying and don’t let any form of “no” get you down. You are beautiful just the way you are, and soon you’re going to get that yes that will make all the “no’s” completely worth it.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

One of the most significant obstacles I have overcome in my life is

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

What makes me beautiful is my commitment to making the world a better place. Every day I do my best to make at least one person smile, be it through a small action like holding the door for them or a larger action like editing an application essay to help them get into their dream university.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I would encourage them to focus on his or her self. Even a small thing like taking a long, warm shower or indulging the wish to dance in the rain can make a difference, and bring out that confidence and joy.