Kaylee G.
Kaylee G.
Indiana, USA.
Age: 19
Waist: 26
Hips: 28
Bust: 35
Height: 5’6
Weight: 118
Hair/ Eye Color: Blonde/ Blue
Tell us about yourself (where you are from, age, whatever you want to add)
I was born and raised in Logansport, IN… a small country town. I am 19 years old and have an older brother. I enjoy working out and going on runs with my dog. Due to following my dream in modeling and acting, I only work one to two days a week in a local boutique called Yelle’s.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
My passion in modeling began when I was awarded Miss Photogenic in my local beauty pageant. I went on to be in a magazine for Pharos Tribune in Kokomo, IN. I got invited to many fashion shows, which got cancelled, or postponed, due to the COVID-19 pandemic which only led me to attend one so far.
What is your biggest dream?
I seek to become one of the most successful actresses and models in today’s day and age, but to enjoy the journey towards this goal, as well. My passion for modeling is not one where I am focusing on the end goal, it is one where I can enjoy the people and experiences that I make along the way.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Beauty means 3 things to me: Being tough, being passionate, and being happy with what you are doing in your life. 2: Being kind and supportive towards other people. 3: Accepting the beautiful person that you are. I was one before modeling who lacked the most confidence and compared myself to people on social media or at my school. I was brainwashed thinking that beauty was always about the physical appearance, but I was so wrong for many years.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my fashion style as fluid. Any fit from any specific era or place can be rocked with a certain amount of confidence, so I like to change things up every now and then. One of my recent favorites was pop-culture from the 80’s, because I had the most fun coming up with the outfits. I am also very interested in the European style look. From the French coats, the neutral sweaters, the pointed shoes.
Who or what inspires you?
I am inspired to be a model because I want to become an idol for my future children and family to look up to. I want them to know that no dream is too big when you put your mind towards it. Never give up, work towards your goals, and make a difference.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Be adamant about your decision to become a model because many people will doubt you and try to talk you out of it because they are projecting their lack of confidence onto you. Stay true to yourself and kill it!
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
My empathetic nature towards everybody and everything. I am super driven to help people in any way I can which I find that unique and beautiful about me.
What would you say to another guy/girl your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Go for a walk, go for a drive, spend some time with yourself where you can just be. Lots of girls get overwhelmed with the competitive nature of the modeling business and forget how to be happy with themselves. Maybe it is the busy nature of a prospective model, maybe it is the assumed, nonexistent expectations that they believe their loved ones have placed onto them. Regardless, learning to appreciate your own company is the best way to build raw, genuine confidence. Confidence where you do not have to fake it to make it, you just are.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
My biggest obstacle was caring too much about what other people said. I gave the words of people around me that I was closest to entirely too much weight, rather than just doing what I wanted to do out of pure enjoyment. I came to overcome this when my boyfriend- now fiancé – of many years, left for a whole year for the Marine Corps Reserve. He followed what he was passionate about despite the many questions that people opposed to him doing it, and he urged me every step of the way to follow mine as well and cloud out the opinions of others.