Asia E.W.
Asia E.W.
Wisconsin, USA.
Age: 23
Waist: 30
Hips: 41
Bust: 35
Height: 5’3
Weight: 140
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Blonde and Dark Brown
Tell us about yourself.
My name is Asia, I’m 23 years of age and I am from the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
Growing up in Milwaukee, I quickly realized that Milwaukee didn’t offer much, this made it very hard for me to get any kind of modeling experience because there were simply no opportunities. This made it hard for me to do anything that I was interested in really because there were very few opportunities; especially for low-income/minority families.
But, that didn’t deter me from what I love doing, I started my Instagram as a place where I could express myself through all things beauty, including fashion which requires me to “model”. I used my social media as a way to put myself out there since I didn’t really have any other ways to do so. I grabbed my iPhone, my husband (and myself, I have to take my own sometimes) and the clothes that I have and I took my pictures as if I was really at a paid photoshoot. Now that I’ve been working on my platform and making sure that I’m consistent with my post, I’ve been able to work with a local business owner and I do photoshoots for her business, not only that but because of my consistency and putting myself “out there” I was accepted by Hannah Noelle Models agency. This would have never happened without God, faith and hard work!
So, when people look at you and call you a “instagram model” and they don’t believe in your dream, don’t take offense to it. Keep going, because they don’t know your struggle or your purpose, there is someone out there watching, that would love to have you!
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream… Honestly, there are so many things that I love to do that I don’t think that I could just pick one. I hope to do them all, but if I could sum all of that up into what I hope it does for me in the end, would be: To create a legacy (positive), that will benefit not only me but my family and the generations to come after.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
If we’re speaking in terms of physical, honestly, I believe being “your own kind of beautiful” is simply accepting yourself for yourself. Accepting the beautiful things about yourself and the not so beautiful things, but not just accepting them, owning them. I believe that once you can accomplish this, then you have found your own kind of beautiful.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style is pretty much however I feel that day… But I am pretty consistent with my style, it’s always girly! The styles you’ll find me rocking is sexy-sophisticated, 2000’s girly, 90’s runway or 90’s casual, a little girly street style and bad and bougie (if that’s even a style, haha)! I hope that I explained that clear enough, haha.
Who or what inspires you?
GOD, for sure! I am NOWHERE near a perfect follower of Jesus, but His teachings truly keep me grounded and encouraged. If it weren’t for Him I DEFINITELY wouldn’t have made it this far and I wouldn’t be the person that I am today.
Next to God that inspires me is my Husband Justice, he pushes me and encourages me daily. His strength and encouragement is something that I know only could come from Christ because he is incredibly strong and when I’m not, he makes sure that he builds me back anyway that he can.
Next to my hubby, would definitely be my family. They are the reason why I keep pushing and their encouragement is what keeps me going. I do what I do not only for myself, but for them, I have to see them win!
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My advice to someone getting started with modeling, is to put yourself as a model, “out there”. Create your instagram page specifically for that and or make it apart of whatever you already do, reach out to local photographers who are looking for models or looking to practice with someone, create yourself a youtube channel for your modeling, reach out to agencies, ask/research your questions, and most importantly TAKE THOSE PICTURES! Agencies and scouts can’t find you, if they don’t see you.
Moral of the story is: Do what you have to do for yourself and don’t allow your circumstances or other’s opinions stop you!
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
So many, haha! But, I’ll choose three.
The first obstacle that I had to deal with was pretty recent, actually, for about the past three years, I’ve battled with my weight. I had always been “skinny”, I could eat what I wanted and not gain from it, but when I got into my 20’s my body was not handling those kinds of eating habits well and I started to gain. During this time my self-esteem took a huge blow and I went through a lot mentally and emotionally. I didn’t like the way I looked, I couldn’t fit my clothes, and I also felt like modeling was out the window. But, through all of that, I knew that I couldn’t give up and I didn’t! Although there were days, weeks, MONTHS that were hard, I went outside and I took my pictures for my instagram. And guess what? I STILL was offered brand ambassador jobs to show off their clothes! Through my weight-gain journey to my weight-loss journey, what I’ve learned the most is to love myself more! After taking the time to get to know myself and my body, I’ve been on a health journey and losing weight the right way, by having a healthy mindset and this is still a process and I’m not done, but since then, I’ve lost about 20 pounds!
The second obstacle that I’ve had to overcome is living in an environment where there is no opportunity. Like I mentioned earlier, this made it very hard for me to do anything that even slightly interested me because it wasn’t offered. This obstacle made me work harder for what I wanted and not allow what was around me to stop me, even if I looked foolish or no one believed in what I’m trying to do I had to keep going.
My third obstacle is growing up without my mother. As a young woman, this was very hard to deal with, I had to learn how to be a woman without her, all the womanly things a teenage girl would go through and even things as an adult, I’ve had to go through alone. This has not been easy, but with God as my provider, my husband and my beautiful family I’ve been able to make it through all of those obstacles, and others dealing with a similar situation can too! This situation has taught me to be strong and to really appreciate those who are by my side!
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
My heart.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I would say that I understand, because I still struggle with mines as well. The encouragement that I would give to you is to really begin a journey of self-love and really looking deep into why these things bother you, because most of the time it’s because of other’s opinions or because of some new trend. Although, those things do have a huge impact on us (we’d be lying if we say it didn’t) that is NOT worth yourself esteem nor your energy! God created you and made you as you are and you never know how many people you could impact by just looking like you.
Not only that, but the entertainment industry is changing, because today’s consumers/views are saying that they want to be themselves and that they’re not okay with changing themselves due to society’s impossible standard! Take this opportunity and use it to your advantage, because whatever you may find weird an agency or regular follower may find it beautiful!