Hannah Noelle Models

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Paige C.

Age: 18


Waist: 26"

Hips: 37"

Bust: 31"

Height: 5'2

Weight: 112

Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/Blue

Tell us about yourself

Hello, My name is Paige C., I’m 18 years old and from Sarasota,Fl . I am a freshman in college here in Florida and I am very outgoing and social and I love meeting new people and traveling. In my spare time, I enjoy going to the beach and horse back riding!

Tell us about your modeling experience:

I used to model and do pageants when I was younger but I am pretty new to the modeling scene since it has been a while and I know the industry has changed a bit.

What is your biggest dream? :

My biggest dream is to be able to make a positive impact on the younger generations. I want to make everyone feel beautiful in their own skin by promoting self-love as an influencer/model. I would also love to do work through traveling and getting to experience new things!

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? :

To me, Being your own kind of beautiful means that everyone is unique in their own ways, no person is the same. Social media puts this “perfect” image of what beautiful should be into people’s minds and it's really damaging to society. I have felt the feeling of thinking I am not “Beautiful” enough before because of social media but the truth is, we live in an imperfect world where it's okay to be different and imperfect. I have learned to embrace myself for who I am and I have really learned to love myself through it. Be unique and be YOU!

How would you describe your fashion style? :

I would describe my style as boho sometimes and chic and trendy at other times. I enjoy trying out new styles and seeing what looks best.

Who or what inspires you? :

My mother is a big inspiration for me, I know that sounds cliche but she truly is such an amazing and strong woman. She has taught me to always stand up for what I believe in and to always do the right thing. Because of her, I’ve never been ashamed to be authentic and real with people. I also admire how she has always pushed me to try new things and taught me to never give up just because the going gets tough.

What have been your greatest accomplishments?  :

I feel like a big accomplishment for me has been getting into college, I struggle with a learning disability which has always made learning hard for me, I have never gotten an incredible SAT/ACT score but with a little help and a lot of studying, I was able to make it into my dream school! Another big accomplishment for me has been learning to accept myself. I struggled with self-image issues for a very large part of my childhood, I just never felt okay with myself until now, I was able to cast those issues aside and gain self-confidence I’ve never had! 

Do you have any special talents? : 

Not really, but I am a really good writer and I enjoy writing short stories sometimes!

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you. :

I am short which has made it very difficult to find a agency that is willing to work with me. I have also struggled with acne for several years and that made me very insecure growing up, It was hard to see my friends with clear skin and now that I didn’t look like them. I hid myself for a very long time but I was able to overcome that insecurity and I got on medication to help my issue. I have learned to love my skin and height and I couldn’t be happier!

What makes you beautiful/handsome?: 

I feel like my personality makes me beautiful. I have always been told that my bubbly personality and self-confidence makes me attractive. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?:

I feel what you feel. It is hard to be confident in a world that seems so “perfect” but you are so much more than an image. You are beautiful/handsome in so many more ways than just looks. Beauty is whatever you make of it. You are perfect just the way you are, don’t ever change yourself to “fit’ in. You were born to stand out! So, go out there and show the world who you really are!