Khaelle P.

Khaelle P.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Khaelle P. I am 19 years old Born in the capital of Haiti, came to America at age 7 , and I have four other siblings. 

Tell us about your modeling experience

My modeling experience has been fun exciting , adventurous & hard working I say this because each of these things Play a part in modeling, modeling is very fun and exciting also very adventurous but you always have to put your hard work and long days into it. 

What’s your biggest dream? 

My biggest dream is to be A huge top model  that influences young girls out there to never give up on anything no matter your size, height, Weight, and especially no matter what other people think of you Nor say. To also show them that their presence and mind is very important. Also to have a really big modeling Show that helps all types of girls all different shapes sizes and height , into the modeling industry. 

Does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful 

What it means to be your own kind of beautiful to me is being your true self, showing off that great personality and inner beauty that you have. 

How do you describe your fashion style

Honestly I would say very unique I say this because I love so many different styles it’s super hard to choose almost impossible. 

Who or what inspires you

The two people in my life who has inspired me and I’m very unique in spectacular way would be my mom and my boyfriend I say this because my mom has been through so much in life but yet she has never give up She always keep your head up high. And I would say my boyfriend because this man never stops Grinding, I have never met someone so focused on what they want to be And do my life ,he is such a great role model also very supportive and loved inspire others as well. 

What has been your greatest accomplishment

I would say my greatest accomplishment would be so follow my heart &  dream As a model and not become what my parents wanted me to become,  I say this because are your ago today I was in a way different position than I am now, and the reason why I am very proud to say that is because I got in this position by working hard never giving up and taking no as A big opportunity to elevate myself and practice. I would say I’m very proud of myself for never giving up. 

Do you have any special talents

Yes actually I do, it’s kind of weird but I can do this thing with my mouth and my hands were makes this weird noise. Also i used to do ballet,  piano , track , flag football. 

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

I would say definitely me and my dad’s relationship I say this because he had a very toxic relationship but I turn that into strength . I say this because even though it wasn’t so positive instead of looking at it in a very negative way , used it to build my confidence my and my strength. 

What makes you beautiful

What makes me beautiful as my personality and my loyalty Towards others. 

Kristi Trelegan