Hannah Noelle Models

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Olivia N.

Age 18


Height 5’5”

Weight 118 lbs.

Waist 24”

Bust 32”

Hips 32”

Dress size 00/0/XS/S

Tell us about yourself.

I am 18 years old, from Buffalo, New York. I am current Freshmen in College in Poughkeepsie, New York. 

My biggest dream is to become a lawyer with an MBA. 

What it means to me to be your own kind of beautiful is to be who YOU want to me, not who others want you to be. In the world today, there are so many fake, photo shopped images, that girls, especially my age, tend to envy and strive to be like. There tends to be this constant pressure from our friends to be someone or something that we are not, which can lead to unhappy and destructive roads. By staying true to who you are and not letting other people change what your heart is telling you to do or who to be is what being your own kind of beautiful is. No person, number or thing can determine another's definition of beautiful besides you. 

I don't have much modeling experiences. I did attend LA IMTA 2018 where I competed in jeans and swim wear and placed second over all in swim wear. 

What is your biggest dream?

My dream brand to model for would either be Nike or Gucci 

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style changes almost every few hours in a typical day. I love to workout and tend to start my days with exercise. So, in the morning, I tend to where athletic wear. However, by about noon, my style goes from the athletic, fit look to a more chic, sophisticated and casual style, depending on my mood and the type of day I have ahead. 

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

Self-confidence is everything! Someone once told me that, "If you don't love your self first, you will never be able to love any one else". I am not the type of person who walks around like I'm the best person in the world, rather, I choose to be humble. There was a time in my life when I didn't truly love myself. As a women, it is easy to look in the mirror and pick out all the things we dislike about ourselves and to compare ourselves to others. I found myself doing this more often and I noticed how it was affecting my attitude which then began to alter my relationships with others. One day, I realized what I was doing and how it was affecting my life and the people around me. So, I decided that instead of beating myself up, I was going to find the positive things I did like about myself and embrace the amazing things God bless me with. When I decided to have self-confidence in myself and stop comapring myself to other people and worrying what others thought, everything began to come together and I finally found the true Liv Nasternak that I thrived to be. 

What makes your beautiful?

What makes me beautiful is that no other person on this Earth is like me. It is my corks and imperfections that make me beautiful. 

What would you say to another girl your age who is struggling with their confidence? 

What I would tell someone who is struggling to have confidence is that you are not alone. Everyone has a time in their lives when they lack confidence in themselves. Life is a roller coaster with many highs and lows. But staying true to yourself is what is most important. It is IMPOSSIBLE for everyone in this world to like you and you. So focus more on the people who do love you and accept you for who you are then the ones who doubt you, because when you are surround by people who love you and you love, you become your best self, your most confident and can truly be you!