Hannah Noelle Models

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Debbie A.

Age: age range 35-40


Waist: 26

Hips: 33

Bust: 37

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120 lb

Hair/Eye Color: Dark brown/ Hazel

Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)

Hi there my name is Debbie Abazia. I've been a professional model for 15+ years working with clients and photographers from coast to coast. I currently live on the Jersey Shore about an hour out of New York City.  Being close to NYC is a blessing as many of the casting calls and jobs are in the city. When I'm not modeling I work background on a variety of shows in Manhattan, Brooklyn, etc. The shows have included Law and Order, Madam Secretary, and Love Life.

I was born in Ft. Lauderdale, FL so naturally I root for the Miami Dolphins. Beyond football, I enjoy healthy cooking, essential oils, and ancient healing practices. My days are often spent researching holistic solutions for family and friends. My favorite place to visit is Italy, but I hope to extend my travels to Japan and India some day soon. 

I love all things vintage especially 1950's pin up. It's one of my favorite genres to model! When I was in school I also studied dance and had the opportunity to choreograph a few routines. I have knowledge in tap, African, Jazz, Ballroom, Modern, Belly Dancing and Hip Hop Jazz. 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

My first modeling experience happened by accident quite honestly! I sent pictures randomly to a local agency and they invited me for an interview. The agency immediately signed me, and everything took off from there.  Both the agency and photographers told me I was a "natural"  in front of the camera. Then fast forward 15+ years, and I find myself fortunate to work with many seasoned industry professionals. While I have done a lot of print work, including magazine covers, the most exciting work is runway shoots work and fit modeling. I've also found it thrilling to be a spokesperson and work on many company ad campaigns. 

When I'm not modeling and working background, I am Director of Fashion Production Development of Rio Designs. In this role, my goal is to inspire men and women with the beauty of ECO Green Fashion. It's fulfilling to develop custom marketing packages for clients interested in differentiating their business with sustainable products/services. 

What is your biggest dream?

As much as I love modeling my dream is to be able to own a company dedicated to helping those holistically. Not exactly sure what that would be quite yet. Perhaps something to do with healthy cooking or maybe a natural skincare line. It could also be working with essential oils and how they can be used for medicinal purposes. I believe that taking care of yourself now helps with your future self.  Knowledge is power. And I'm willing to share it with anyone that will listen. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

It's when you feel beautiful and natural in your own skin. The media often drives us to compare ourselves to others! It's crucial to know your true beauty and worth inside and out. Inner beauty shows and shines on the outside every single time.  When you are truly being yourself without any influence from others...now that's beautiful.

How would you describe your fashion style?

Well let's face it. If I had the time and money, I'd dress like Victoria Beckham almost every day. But alas I don't : ) My fashion style alters every so often and has evolved over the years. I love Bohemian clothes and whimsical airy outfits. But at times I love to dress edgy with big black boots and short skirts. It all depends on the mood. 

Who or what inspires you?

Those that inspire me are those that do it all with little complaint. They get it done every day with minimal resources, and never complain. I aspire to be one of those people. And every day I try hard to work on this skill. It's true. We have everything we need. Let's talk about being thankful for what we have. The single Moms that work by day and go to school to improve themselves, they truly inspire me. 

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

This question comes up in conversation often. Especially those looking to get their kids into modeling. First of all, it's hard work. No matter how glamorous it seems; its really hard work. For children and minors, it's even harder. You try to juggle school and last minute casting calls. Also parents need to know that YOU are ultimately the one taking this on. No one under 18 can get themselves to castings alone. So the parent is a big part of the success of the potential model. For anyone older than that PLEASE keep persevering. This business is tough! I've been on casting calls where the director didn't even look up at me. It's important to know that it takes time. Tough skin is really important. Don't let anyone discourage you by their lack of professionalism or kind words.  Never take no for an answer. This industry is big enough for all of us. Ads and campaigns are forever changing.  Someone will need your look and style. Companies take models at all stages of their lives. Don't let anyone discourage you for age, height, weight, or nationality. Keep pushing!

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

My mom had a brain aneurysm when I was young.  It was a devastating time for us but I was ultimately her caretaker. Even though she recovered, the experience helped me mature very quickly. It fostered my nurturing abilities, especially for those in need. And because I had to make critical decisions during that time; it reshaped my own personal development and thoughts on life.  I'd like to say that I am quick to help and take care of just about anyone. While I've always been like this, taking care of my mother during her health debacle helped me to focus on others at a very early age. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

This answer has zero to do with looks. Deep down inside we know it's the heart that makes us beautiful and/or handsome. Helping and caring for those in need is extremely attractive. Putting your own needs aside to be there for someone is one of the beautiful gestures on earth. 

We live in a very cynical world. Being selfless and doing things for the betterment of others is more than attractive, it's "hot"!!! 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

We all experience confidence issues, some at every age. The best advice I can offer is to keep telling yourself you can achieve your goals and find happiness. Repeat the mantra, "I am worthy." Understand everything in life is temporary. You can overcome whatever it is that is making you feel unworthy or insecure. We often let our confidence level rise and fall at the mercy of others. You are more than good enough. You don't need anyone else to make you happy. Above all, surround yourself with people that lift you up instead of knock you down.

At the end of the day, if you are feeling sad and depressed, just remember there are people to talk to. You are not alone