Hannah Noelle Models

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Karmena W.

Tell us about yourself.

I am from Riga Latvia, and I am 22 years old. I was adopted with my twin sister and brought to the United States

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is either to model for a big company, or soon finish school for my BSN nursing program.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

It means that uniqueness is key. we are all different which makes people beautiful. There isn't another one alike you. 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I have done certain hair shows for Paul Mitchell, keratin complex, and clothes. I have freelanced since I was 16. I have done certain street meets in Washington DC. 

What is your dream brand to model for?

Nike, or American Eagle, or Victoria Secret

How would you describe your fashion style?

Comfortable but up to date on the latest trends. 

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

Self- awareness and confidence is important in my everyday life because I struggled with an eating disorder and I had to learn that we only get one shot at life so we might as well make the best of it and be ourselves and do what YOU do best. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

Confidence, positive attitude, outgoing. Willing to help others in a hand in need. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

Its ok. Everyone struggles, but don't be afraid to try something new. Reach for your dreams and goals. Push yourself for what makes YOU happy and feel good about yourself and also not to think of others opinions.