Bailey D.
Bailey D.
Wisconsin, USA
Tell us about yourself
I am from Wisconsin and am 14 years old. I have a YouTube channel that has grown to almost 500,000 subscribers, in my videos I share real content that revolves around fashion, makeup and life style. YouTube has been the most influential aspect in my life so far (aside from my amazing family). Working and creating videos starting at such a young age has made me so much more aware of how the working world works, it has taught me great dedication, hard work and the idea that quitting when things get tough is simply not the right thing to do. The experiences I have had so far have been so surreal and I cannot wait to continue doing what makes me the happiest!
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to travel the world while being a travel influencer, traveling has always been a favorite of mine and for it to be a possible career would be the most amazing thing.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
“Being your own kind of beautiful” means loving yourself for who you are no matter what the world has to say. It means stop being so angry, being angry you don’t look a certain way or “don’t compare” to other people. Eventually something will click and you will see yourself for all that you really are, you will see beauty and strength across each and every inch of yourself.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I haven’t ventured too far into modeling as of now, however, I am a social media influencer which means I model on public platforms such as Instagram. I cannot wait to learn and experience more about the modeling industry.
What is your dream brand to model for?
A few of the brands I would absolutely love to model for are Pacsun, American Eagle, Louis Vuitton, Brandy Melville, Hollister and Urban Outfitters.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style is trendy but with a hint of my own personal style. Layering clothing and accessorizing is where the real magic happens.
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
I have felt overwhelming pressure to look a certain way while growing up the past couple of years on social media. However, this past year or so I really started seeing myself for more than my outside appearance. Yes, just like everyone else I still struggle with my own individual insecurities but I have learned to love some of the things I used to wish so hardly to change.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
My genuine kindness and love for other people is what truly makes me beautiful. I care so deeply for my friends and family and would do anything to make life easier on them.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Stop apologizing, there is no need to say sorry for the way that you look, what your laugh sounds like, how you dress, how your hair looks first thing in the morning or how you speak. There is absolutely no reason to be sorry for being yourself, do it with pride. You need to learn and grow to accept; this is you and you have to spend the rest of your life being you. So start loving your sarcasm, your crooked tooth, your weird habits, your voice and each and everyone of your incredible talents, try your very hardest to look past everything but yourself because it will indeed make your life so much easier.