Hannah Noelle Models

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Ruby G.

Tell us about yourself

I am from New York City and I am 15 years old.

What is your biggest dream?

I want to be able to continue perusing modeling and acting throughout my life.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

I think that being your own kind of beautiful means embracing all the things about yourself that make you unique!

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

So Far I have primarily done shoots with photographers looking to expand their portfolio. I have also done a commercial for NAF which was a really great experience!

What is your dream brand to model for?

I would definitely have to say Nike. I love fitness and active wear!

How would you describe your fashion style?

I think my fashion sense is an interesting combination of sporty and trendy:)

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

I find that plays a very large role in my everyday life because when I am more self aware, I am able to have more confidence with everything I do.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

I think what makes me beautiful is my ability to stay positive and hopeful during all types of situations.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I know it is  cliché, but I would tell someone who is struggling with their confidence to stop comparing themselves to others and to stop trying to change themselves to fit a certain criteria.